CiA® 315: CANopen generic frame for wireless tunneling of CAN messages and for transfer of diagnostic data

The CiA 315 specifies a generic frame for mapping CAN data frames to a wireless transmission media. In use cases, where parts of the application cannot be connected via cable, e.g. because of parts being in motion, CiA 315 compliant implementations allow the linking of two CAN networks, via a wireless transmission media. CANopen devices providing a certain gateway capability between CAN and a wireless transmission medium (WTM), extract the essential parts of a CAN data frame, and transfer them via the WTM. Thus, receiving devices get all the required information for being able to issue the original CAN frame again, at the receiver’s CAN interface.
Title | Details | Status Size |
Published Action |
CiA 315 version 1.0.0CANopen generic frame for wireless tunneling and for transfer of diagnostic data | DescriptionThis specification specifies the generic frame for the transparent transmission of CAN messages on a wireless network. Keywordsn/a | DSP626 KiB | 2011-08-09Login |