CiA® 408: CANopen profile for hydraulic devices

The CiA 408 profile specifies the CANopen interface for hydraulic proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions (e.g. drive, axis) and may also be applied to pneumatic devices. The current version is based on the network-independent proposal “VDMA profile fluid power technology. Proportional valves and hydrostatic transmissions, version 1.6.3” from VDMA (German association of machine builders). Thus, VDMA-compliant hydraulic devices using different networking technologies can be easily combined in one system. The specified application data is then exchanged via corresponding gateways. The device manufacturer may supply diverse markets with valves, pumps, pneumatics, etc. implementing the same electronic interface according to CiA 408 and simply varying the appropriate application software. Usage of standardized CANopen interfaces allows monitoring, inspection, and diagnostics of the networked devices using off-the-shelf tools.
The profile specifies the required configuration parameters, application parameters (process data), and diagnostic information. Parameters for hydraulic drive and valve (pump) reside in the same CANopen logical device. This allows one electronic circuit to control up to eight hydraulic drive and valve (pump) modules.
Application parameters for up to 15 control modes are defined. The modes may include the (mixed) control of spool position, pressure, speed, power, velocity, position, and flow. The application parameter assignment within each control mode is done according to a defined schema. After the control-mode-specific parameter definitions the set-point conditioning (e.g. limit, scaling, ramp) and actuator conditioning (e.g. zero correction, dead-band compensation) is defined. Control monitoring, auxiliary functions and target window monitoring finalize the parameters for each control mode. The description of application parameters consists of parameter values (16-bit or 32-bit integer or floating point values), as well as the corresponding SI unit and prefix with coding as specified in CiA 890 (formerly CiA 303-2). The application parameters are defined in the VDMA profile by the attributes name, data type, substitute value, default value, value range, access rights, and object class. The nine defined TPDO and ten defined RPDO (process data object) mapping variants depend on the device control mode and are different for drives and valves (except for mapping 1).
The introduced device FSA (finite state automaton) specifies the application behavior as well as the corresponding state transitions of the hydraulic devices. A specific device FSA state transition may cause a state transition in the CANopen communication FSA (see CiA 301) and vice versa. The devices compliant to this profile are required to support the emergency message as specified in CiA 301. CiA 408 compliant CANopen devices supporting the application manager functionality also provide the CANopen NMT (network management) manager functionality.
Title | Details | Status Size |
Published Action |
CiA 301 version 4.2.0CANopen application layer and communication profile | DescriptionThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the predefined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Timestamp, and Sync communication objects. Keywordsn/a | PAS3.0 MiB | 2011-02-21Login |
CiA 408 version 1.5.2CANopen device profile for fluid power technology proportional valves and hydrostatic transmissions | DescriptionThis profile describes the functionality of interconnectable proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. The document is based on the profile “Fluid Power Technology”, version 1.5 released by VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Frankfurt/Main, Germany/VDMAPROP/. The device profile has been defined for hydraulic proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. It can as well be applied on pneumatic devices. Keywordsn/a | PAS2.8 MiB | 2005-01-01Login |
CiA 408 version 2.1.2CANopen device profile for fluid power technology proportional valves and hydrostatic transmissions | Descriptionn/a Keywordsn/a | WD5.9 MiB | 2020-11-05Login |
CiA 408-C version 2.1.6Fluid power technology device profile - Part C: CANopen mapping | Descriptionn/a Keywordsn/a | WD432 KiB | 2022-01-27Login |
CiA 408-B version 2.1.8Fluid power technology device profile - Part B: Functional device description and parameter | Descriptionn/a Keywordsn/a | WD4.6 MiB | 2022-01-27Login |
CiA 408 version 2.1.0CANopen device profile for fluid power technology | DescriptionThis CiA device profile describes the functionality of interconnectable proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. The specification is based on the profile “Fluid Power Technology”, version 1.6.3 designed by Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Frankfurt/Main, Germany (VDMA). The device profile specifies CANopen interface for hydraulic proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. This profile may as well be applied on pneumatic devices. Keywordsn/a | DSP5.9 MiB | 2021-01-23Login |
Profile Fluid Power Technology version 1.6.3Proportional Valves and Hydrostatic Transmissions | Descriptionn/a Keywordsn/a | DSP872 KiB | 2017-05-09Login |
CiA 106 version 1.1.0Connector pin-assignment recommendations | DescriptionThis document recommends the connector pin-assignment for CAN interfaces. This includes the CAN_H and CAN_L pins, the ground pin, and the power supply pins. Keywordsn/a | TR0.9 MiB | 2023-07-11Login |