CiA® 410 series: Inclinometer profile

This device profile series specifies the interface for single- and dual-axis inclinometers. The most recent edition comprises four parts:
- CiA 410-B: Functional behavior and parameters
- CiA 410-C: Mapping to CANopen CC (classic)
- CiA 410-F: Mapping to CANopen FD
- CiA 410-J: Mapping to J1939
Part B based on the legacy CiA 410 document specifies the process data, the configuration parameters, and the diagnostic information. The inclinometer manufacturers supply various markets with inclinometers. The inclinometer profile specifies the 16-bit or 32-bit slope values for the longitudinal and the lateral axis as well as the related operating parameters, preset values, and offsets. Additional emergency error codes indicate whether the sensor is defect or its values are out of range.
Since CiA 410 version 2.0.0, the profile specification introduces four device classes and included an optional CANopen Safety communication interface compliant with safety integrity levels (up to SIL 3) as standardized in IEC 61508. Products compliant with the CiA 410 profile are interoperable and partly interchangeable. For development, analysis, and maintenance of the sensors, off-the-shelf tools can be used.
Four inclinometer classes are defined:
- Class C1 supports one-axis 16-bit value measurements
- Class C2 supports two-axes 16-bit value measurements
- Class C3 supports one-axis 32-bit value measurements
- Class C4 supports two-axes 32-bit value measurements
Besides the mapping to CANopen CC PDOs, Part C specifies also the mapping of inclination values into SRDOs (Safety-Related Data Objects) according to EN 50325-5 (CANopen Safety). The CANopen Safety inclinometer configuration uses the same CRC polynomial (CRC-CCITT) as for the communication configuration (see EN 50325-5). It is highly recommended to support Heartbeat functionality in new designs.
Part F specifies the mapping of inclinometer process data to CANopen FD PDOs.
The CiA 410-J document specifies the mapping to J1939 parameter groups (PGs). The process data such as inclination values are mapped into PGs using standardized PGNs (PG numbers). The ISLONG16 and ISLONG32 parameter groups are used for 16-bit or 32-bit one-axis inclinometer accordingly. The ISLAT16 and ISLAT32 parameter groups are used in case of 16-bit respectively 32-bit two-axis inclinometers. For configuration and diagnostic purposes CANopen SDO and Emergency services are mapped to standardized PGs as specified in CiA 510).
Title | Details | Status Size |
Published Action |
CiA 410 version 1.3.0CANopen device profile for inclinometer | DescriptionThis specification represents the CANopen device profile for one- and two-axis inclinometers. Keywordsn/a | PAS457 KiB | 2010-02-23Login |
CiA 410-J version 1.1.0Inclinometer device profile - Part J: Mapping to J1939 | DescriptionThis document specifies the mapping of CiA 410 process data into J1939 parameter groups. This includes the specification of parameter groups and the configuration by means of the CAM11 and CAM21 parameter groups specified in the CiA 510 specification. Keywordsn/a | DSP214 KiB | 2020-12-01Login |
CiA 410-B version 1.0.0Inclinometer device profile - Part B: Functional behavior and parameters | DescriptionThis document specifies the functional behavior as well as application parameters for inclinometers. The mapping into Process Data Objects (PDO), Safety-related Data Objects (SRDO), and Parameter Groups (PG) is not in the scope of this document. Keywordsn/a | DSP709 KiB | 2024-01-16Login |
CiA 410-C version 1.0.0Inclinometer device profile - Part C: CANopen CC mapping | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen CC communication and mapping parameters for inclinometers compliant with the CiA 410-B specification. This includes the PDO mapping and the optional SRDO mapping. Keywordsn/a | DSP618 KiB | 2024-01-16Login |
CiA 410-F version 1.0.0Inclinometer device profile - Part F: CANopen FD mapping | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen FD communication and mapping parameters for
inclinometers compliant with the CiA 410-B specification. This includes the PDO mapping. Keywordsn/a | DSP384 KiB | 2024-01-16Login |
CiA 301 version 4.2.0CANopen application layer and communication profile | DescriptionThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the predefined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Timestamp, and Sync communication objects. Keywordsn/a | PAS3.0 MiB | 2011-02-21Login |
CiA 305 version 3.0.0CANopen layer setting services (LSS) and protocols | DescriptionThis document specifies the layer setting services (LSS) and protocols for CANopen. These services and protocols are used to inquire or to change the settings of three parameters of the physical layer, data link layer, and application layer on a CANopen device with LSS server capability by a CANopen device with LSS manager capability via the CAN network. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.9 MiB | 2013-05-08Login |
CiA 801 version 1.1.1CANopen Automatic bit-rate detection | Descriptionn/a Keywordsn/a | WD290 KiB | 2018-03-26Login |
CiA 801 version 1.0.0CANopen automatic bit-rate detection | DescriptionThis technical report describes the recommended practice and gives application hints for implementing automatic bit-rate detection in CANopen devices. With the Layer Setting Services (LSS) it is possible to change the bit-rate in CANopen networks. However, this mechanism fails in certain situations. Some low-cost devices that do not support LSS at all could also benefit from the recommended automatic bit-rate detection method. This technical report discusses an approach for automatic bit-rate detection in CANopen networks. As introduction the possible solutions to detect an unknown bit-rate for CAN controllers (Software / Hardware) are presented. The technical report will focus on situations where automatic bit-rate detection fails (no traffic on the bus, error frames) and how to avoid these deadlocks. Keywordsn/a | TR334 KiB | 2005-01-01Login |
CiA 106 version 1.1.0Connector pin-assignment recommendations | DescriptionThis document recommends the connector pin-assignment for CAN interfaces. This includes the CAN_H and CAN_L pins, the ground pin, and the power supply pins. Keywordsn/a | TR0.9 MiB | 2023-07-11Login |