CiA® 415: CANopen sensor profile for mobile machines

This application profile specifies the communication interface for sensors and a sensor controller of such road construction and earth moving machines as paver, compactor, grader, dozer, mill, heater and truck.
Profile-compliant sensors require a sensor controller (application commander and CANopen manager) supporting self-configuration of the CANopen network. During the start-up, the sensor controller scans the entire network for available sensors. Then, the number of process data entries provided by each sensor is read and verified using a plausibility test. If the number is valid, each process data entry is read out. Then, the sensor controller creates the necessary TPDOs for each device and downloads them to the sensors via SDO. First the PDO mapping parameters are configured followed by the PDO communication parameters. The same procedure is repeated for the required process data whereby the RPDOs for each sensor are created. After this process, the sensor controller switches the involved devices to the NMT operational state and tests whether the established PDO connections are working correctly.

Important system information is transferred with high priority using defined events for request/response of available sensor data, generic error transmission, machine state (stop, working etc.), leveling status (manual, auto etc.), closed-loop control (automatic on/off), and begin of a new project (reset mode). Thus, the sensor controller device (usually residing in the on-board computer) is always informed on this information.
The general device parameters contain the information about the used machine (type, manufacturer, serial number etc.), provided and required process data, reference point for the measured coordinates, date and time as well as the operating hours. Process data includes the absolute 3D-position, angle position, curvilinear coordinates and angles, geographical coordinates, diverse deviation values, steering angle, machine speed, travelled distance, tool’s rotational speed and extent, thickness of the laid or the removed layer, material volume and mass, flow values, diverse temperatures, road evenness, environmental conditions (wind, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and rainfall level) as well as the water tank level. For each consumed and each provided process data a reference value parameter for configuration of a set-point is specified.
The physical layer definitions accord to the CiA 301 and CiA 436 profile for construction machines. The latter defines also the error behavior of the sensor systems.
The CiA 415 version 1.0.0 has been developed in 2003. The predecessor of this specification was jointly developed by the OSYRIS (open system for road information support) consortium (terminated) and the European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA). The CiA 415 version 2.2.0 was released in April 2009.
Title | Details | Status Size |
Published Action |
CiA 301 version 4.2.0CANopen application layer and communication profile | DescriptionThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the predefined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Timestamp, and Sync communication objects. Keywordsn/a | PAS3.0 MiB | 2011-02-21Login |
CiA 415 version 2.2.0CANopen application profile for sensor systems in road-construction and earth-moving machines | DescriptionThe CANopen sensor system application profile for road construction and earth moving machines specifies the communication interface for sensors as well as the sensor control unit. The profile is suitable for a broad range of machine types (e.g. paver, compactor, grader, dozer, mill, heater and truck). Keywordsn/a | DSP1.9 MiB | 2009-04-22Login |
CiA 436-1 version 1.1.0CANopen application profile for construction machines - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis application profile provides general definition as well as recommendations for using CANopen control networks on construction machineries. In addition, this application profile introduces the virtual control architecture on construction machineries, integrating the engine control system, the drivers’ desk, the sensor control system, the transmission control system, the fleet management control system as well as the control system for the superstructure respectively implement. Keywordsn/a | DSP530 KiB | 2010-06-30Login |