CiA® 420 series: Profiles for extruder downstream devices
Members of CiA and Euromap have jointly developed a set of CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices, e.g. pullers, corrugators, saws, calibration tables, and co-extruders. Such devices come with NMT server functionality only. The manager-extruder provides the NMT manager and server functionality. It consumes all Heartbeats and EMCY messages from the downstream devices.
The CiA 420 set of profiles allows an easy system integration of downstream devices from different vendors. Euromap provides additional specifications for local non-CANopen interfaces. This includes specifications for emergency-off-wiring, the wiring of a discrete measuring wheel interface, or the wiring of non-CAN interfaces for saws.
The CiA 420 series specifies CAN bit-rates, connectors, cabling, and node-IDs. Of course, PDO communication and mapping parameters are specified for different downstream devices, too. It is necessary that all PDOs support synchronous transmission respectively synchronous reception. The SYNC cycle-time is specified with 20 ms.
The downstream device receives the control-word mapped into a RPDO and transmits the corresponding status-word mapped into a TPDO. Additionally, the PDOs contain several set process values respectively actual process values. This means that manager-extruder commands are confirmed on the application level. Configuration parameters are written and read by means of the SDO default channel.

The set of profiles comprises the following parts:
- Part 1: General definitions (including connector and node-ID assignment)
- Part 2: Puller
- Part 3: Corrugator
- Part 4: Saw
- Part 5: Co-extruder
- Part 6: Calibration-table
Title | Details | Status Size |
Published Action |
CiA 420-1 version 3.2.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices includes several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the physical layer and the common CANopen functions and common communication objects. It also specifies the CANopen functions of the manager-extruder. Keywordsn/a | PAS657 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-2 version 3.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 2: Puller | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices includes several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for the puller downstream device. Keywordsn/a | PAS475 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-3 version 3.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 3: Corrugator | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices include several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for the corrugator downstream device. Keywordsn/a | PAS435 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-4 version 3.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 4: Saw | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices includes several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for the saw downstream device. Keywordsn/a | PAS438 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-5 version 2.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 5: Simple and advanced co-extruder | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices includes several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for simple and advanced co-extruder. Keywordsn/a | PAS487 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-6 version 1.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 6: Calibration-table | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices include several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for calibration-tables. Keywordsn/a | PAS556 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |