CiA® 434: CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems

The CiA 434 set of device profiles specifies a commander/responder-based communication between a laboratory automation controller (LAC) and several laboratory automation unit(s) (LAU). Beside the general definitions (part 1), device profiles for dilutor, dispenser, and pump units (part 2) as well as for heating, cooling, and shaking units (part 3) are specified. The scalable LAU device modeling is applicable for small and simple applications as well as for very complex ones. Thus, the device manufacturer may provide the same electronic CANopen interface implementation for diverse laboratory equipment and simply adapt the required application functionality.
The specified finite state automaton (FSA) defines the behavior of the LAU as seen by the LAC. FSA state transitions are based on device internal events (e.g. occurrence of device errors, local inputs) or on the reception of the FSA command from the LAC. The error-free device may be in the idle state, configuration state, interrupted state, or in the command processor active state. In the latter, the directly received or the batched commands are executed. In direct execution mode, the LAC feeds the LAU with single operation commands. The LAU starts the execution of the command immediately after the entire command reception and generates the command result. In batch mode, received operation commands are stored in so-called command buffers. Thus, the LAC is enabled to pre-program work plans within the LAU.
Two classes of operation commands (process- and system commands) are defined. The process commands directly trigger a certain LAU process behavior e.g. dosing a certain volume, shaking with a given frequency, etc. System commands influence the type of command processing and are mainly used in batch mode. The general LAU control objects include the control word and the status word, the operation command result as well as the system command parameter record (e.g. for loop). Further, specific objects for batch mode and direct execution mode are defined. The profile provides a possibility for transmitting command structures via PDOs in a segmented way, which is not recommended.
Part 2 specifies commands as well as parameters relevant for controlling dilutor, dispenser, and pump units. A dilutor aspirates a defined liquid volume in a first step in a syringe and dispenses this liquid in a second step. Among other functions (e.g. dispensing, serial dispensing, diluting or generating a continuous flow), a dilutor unit may control drives (e.g. DC motor, step motor), different types of valves or different types of syringes. A dosing pump relies on a variable capacity vessel, such as a syringe, to aspirate and deliver precisely controlled volumes of liquids. The defined process commands distinguish between general commands and function-block-specific commands e.g. for dosing, valve, flow table, and pressure table. Further, it is defined how the supported function blocks are represented and how the field values given in increments are conversed to SI-unit-related process values. The values with appropriate SI units (coded as specified in CiA 890, formerly CiA 303-2) for current flow, accumulated volume, and current pressure along with the remaining processing time follow. At the end of this specification part, the detailed parameter sets for each function block are defined.

Part 3 specifies the heating, cooling, or shaking (HCS) unit. The general commands comprise the total initialize and the software initialize command, the stop process command, as well as the move lifter command. The parameter sets for the temperature function block provide the standby temperature, the heating and cooling ramp, two target temperatures as well as the temperature cycles with additional ramps. The parameter sets for the shaking function block provide the shaking frequency acceleration and deceleration ramps, two target shaking frequencies as well as the shaking cycles with additional ramps.
Profile-compliant devices support a bit-rate of 500 kbit/s (and optionally others) as well as one of the two defined connectors (see also CiA 106). The CANopen NMT commander functionality resides at the laboratory automation commander. The other devices provide CANopen NMT responder functionality. Emergency messages and heartbeat functionality (see CiA 301) are supported.
Title | Details | Status Size |
Published Action |
CiA 301 version 4.2.0CANopen application layer and communication profile | DescriptionThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the predefined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Timestamp, and Sync communication objects. Keywordsn/a | PAS3.0 MiB | 2011-02-21Login |
CiA 434-3 version 1.0.0CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems - Part 3: Heating, cooling, and shaking units | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen device profiles for laboratory automation systems specifies the heating, cooling and shaking unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP531 KiB | 2010-06-30Login |
CiA 434-2 version 1.0.0CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems - Part 2: Dilutor, dispenser, and pump units | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems defines the CANopen interface for dilutor, dispenser and pump units. Based on the definitions given in CiA 434-1, this CANopen device profile specifies commands as well as parameters relevant for controlling dilutor, dispenser and pump units that are part of an automated laboratory system. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.1 MiB | 2010-06-30Login |
CiA 434-1 version 2.0.0CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis set of device profiles for laboratory automation systems describes a commander/responder-based communication between a laboratory automation controller (LAC) and several laboratory automation unit(s) (LAU). In addition to the general system structure, this part of CiA 434 defines a finite state machine (FSA) that is supported by all laboratory units, following the specification CiA 434. In addition, this part specifies two predefined control structures for laboratory units. On the one hand, the laboratory automation controller can control the laboratory units via single operating commands. On the other hand this part provides a generic structure for a “pre-configurable work plan” that enables a quasi-autonomous laboratory unit operation, which is monitored by the laboratory controller. The set of CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems includes several parts: Part 1 describes general definitions, Part 2 defines the device profile for dilutor/dispenser/pump units, Part 3 defines the heating, cooling and shaking unit, Part 4 defines the device profile for pipette control units, Part 5 defines the device profile for multi axis control units, Part 6 defines the device profile for drive units, Part 7 defines the device profile for washing units, Part 8 defines the device profile for centrifuge units, Part 9 defines the device profile for stacker units, Part 10 defines the device profile for detection units. Devices compliant to these profiles use communication techniques, which conform to those defined in the CANopen application layer and communication profile (CiA 301). In addition, they may use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the set of specifications for additional application layer functions (CiA 302). These specifications should be consulted in parallel to these device profile specifications. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.1 MiB | 2009-04-22Login |
CiA 106 version 1.1.0Connector pin-assignment recommendations | DescriptionThis document recommends the connector pin-assignment for CAN interfaces. This includes the CAN_H and CAN_L pins, the ground pin, and the power supply pins. Keywordsn/a | TR0.9 MiB | 2023-07-11Login |