CiA® 450: CANopen device profile for pumps

CiA 450 specifies CANopen interfaces for generic and liquid (rotodynamic) pump devices. It is based on the bus-independent profile for vacuum and liquid pumps developed by VDMA (the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association). The VDMA profile should be consulted simultaneously with the CiA 450 profile. Thus, VDMA-compliant pumps using different networking technologies can be easily combined within one system. The specified application data is then exchanged via corresponding gateways. Device manufacturers may supply diverse markets with pumps implementing the same electronic interface according to CiA 450 and simply vary the appropriate application software. Usage of standardized CANopen interfaces allows monitoring, inspection, and diagnostics of the networked devices using off-the-shelf tools.
The profile specifies the required configuration parameters, process parameters, and diagnostic information. The generic pump finite state automaton (FSA) and the appropriate objects specify the minimal functionality of a pump device. The parameters include the objects for FSA control, device identification, hardware revision, as well as the device’s function and location within the plant. Via further objects the configuration of the application, of the control, and of the status parameters is possible. Pump actuation command and status, activation possibilities, as well as information about the used drive, motor, and converter for a variable energy supply follows. Furthermore, archiving and error notification functionalities are specified.
Liquid (rotodynamic) pumps use general pump objects and additional specific parameters defined further in the profile. Besides parameters for configuration and actuation, the multiple pump identification, control, and monitoring is given. Pump kick mode operation is possible. Such application parameters as diverse pressures, head, flow (volume and mass), density, viscosity, flow velocity, level, speed, inverter frequency, torque, as well as diverse temperatures are specified. Such parameters as power, current, voltage, cosinus phi, and energy provide the electrical characteristics of the pump. Vibration, noise, humidity, wear indication, as well as operational conditions (e.g. operation time, powered time, number of starts, standby) allow the prediction of the next maintenance steps (e.g. inspection) for the pump. The profile specifies an RPDO for generic pumps containing the generic control parameters. The RPDO 1 for rotodynamic pumps additionally provides the pump actuation control with specific rotodynamic functions. In addition to the generic pump status word, the rotodynamic TPDO 1 provides the liquid pump actuation status.
Devices compliant to this profile mandatorily support the Heartbeat functionality and the Emergency Message (see CiA 301). The specified Emergency Error Codes (EEC) distinguish between failures, alarms, or warnings. Additionally to the EEC, each Emergency Message contains very detailed information about a specific error. The object 1000h indicates the used pump type as well as the implemented profile version. The representation of the used SI units corresponds to CiA 890 (formerly CiA 303-2). A transmission rate of 125 kbit/s (and optionally others) is supported. It is recommended to use the 5-pin “micro” style connector (M12) with CiA 106 compliant pinning.
Title | Details | Status Size |
Published Action |
CiA 301 version 4.2.0CANopen application layer and communication profile | DescriptionThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the predefined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Timestamp, and Sync communication objects. Keywordsn/a | PAS3.0 MiB | 2011-02-21Login |
CiA 450 version 1.0.1CANopen device profile for pumps | DescriptionThis profile specifies the CANopen interfaces for pump devices. The specification is based on the bus-independent profile developed by VDMA (German association of machine builders). It specifies interfaces for the following pump types: Generic pump, Liquid pump. The VDMA profile for vacuum and liquid pumps should be consulted in parallel with this profile. Keywordsn/a | DS3.7 MiB | 2022-07-22Login |
CiA 106 version 1.1.0Connector pin-assignment recommendations | DescriptionThis document recommends the connector pin-assignment for CAN interfaces. This includes the CAN_H and CAN_L pins, the ground pin, and the power supply pins. Keywordsn/a | TR0.9 MiB | 2023-07-11Login |