Member services

The CiA office organizes and administrates CiA group meetings. The participation in these groups is limited to members and invited guests. CiA office maintains the CiA intranet (member lock-in is required), where all CiA documents including work drafts and meeting minutes are available. This means, CiA members have access to all information, even if they do not participate in the group. Additionally, CiA office answers any kind of technical and marketing intelligence inquiries. This includes questions regarding the CAN protocols, interpretation of CAN-related standards and specifications, as well as the implementation of CiA specifications. In addition, CiA office provides information on CAN markets.
For technical topics, please contact the email hotline or call us (+49-911-928819-0).

CiA hotline
We are looking forward to assisting you in case of CAN-related, technical or marketing-oriented questions. You can reach us by phone: +49-911-928819-0, email, or our social media channels. You can also negotiate an eMeeting, to discuss your issues with us, and together with your team.
Tradeshows and product panels
CiA is present at different fairs and exhibitions with CiA stands. For some tradeshows, CiA organizes joint stands, on which CiA members can present their products and services. On many stands, there is the option for members to exhibit their products by means of the well-known panels.
CiA plugfests
The CiA office organizes plugfests for members plugfests to prove the interoperability of their products. Already in 1992, CiA arranged a first interoperability demonstration of CAN-based devices regarding the physical layer.
Regularly, there are CANopen Lift (CiA 417) plugfests. On demand, the CiA office organized generic CANopen and CANopen FD plugfest.
CAN FD plugfests were important milestones in the development process of CAN FD. This is also true for CAN XL and CAN FD Light.
CiA joint marketing activities
CiA member companies can participate in joint activities administrated by the CiA office. Besides, the above-mentioned participation in joint CiA stands, this includes table-top exhibitions on CiA-organized events. CiA members also may be speakers on CiA events (especially CiA technology days). Additionally, CiA members may request CiA staff to provide presentations on their events.
Join the community!
Established in March 1992, the CiA nonprofit association fosters the image of CAN technology. CiA members jointly develop specifications for different CAN application fields. The CAN community also finances CiA’s active participation in international standardization and organizes events in order to exchange knowledge and experiences. These opportunities for networking belong to the most important benefits of CiA membership
CiA also offers other services. These include seminars and conferences, publications, CANopen testing, and last but not least the promotion of CAN technology.
For more information please contact CiA office (headquarters(at)