Technical documents
CiA develops and publishes technical documents. The documents with status "Public Available Specification" (PAS) or "Technical Report" (TR) can be downloaded for free by CiA-members and non-members after registration. The documents classified as "Draft Specification" (DS) are accessible for CiA members; non-members can subscribe to them. "Draft Specification Proposal" (DSP) documents are limited to CiA members requiring a login (only for CiA-members).
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Title | Details | Status Size |
Published Action |
CiA 102 version 3.1.0CAN physical layer for industrial applications | DescriptionThis document specifies and recommends the bit-timing settings for CAN interfaces, in order to achieve generic compatibility between CAN devices, in particular between CANopen field devices. Keywordsn/a | DS238 KiB | 2023-02-24Login |
CiA 103 version 1.1.0Intrinsical-safe CAN device interface | DescriptionThis document specifies an intrinsically-safe CAN device interface. It does not list the requirements by which an item of equipment can be certified as intrinsically safe nor does it require equipment to be intrinsically safe. Keywordsn/a | DS582 KiB | 2023-05-05Login |
CiA 106 version 1.1.0Connector pin-assignment recommendations | DescriptionThis document recommends the connector pin-assignment for CAN interfaces. This includes the CAN_H and CAN_L pins, the ground pin, and the power supply pins. Keywordsn/a | TR0.9 MiB | 2023-07-11Login |
CiA 110 version 1.0.0CAN common mode choke | DescriptionThis document specifies the requirements and the test methods of the mechanical and electrical parameters of common mode chokes to be used in Classical CAN networks and CAN FD networks. The electromagnetic compatibility evaluation complies with the IEC 62228-3:2019 standard. Keywordsn/a | DSP489 KiB | 2021-03-25Login |
CiA 140 version 1.0.0ISO 11898-2:2024 corrigendum proposal | DescriptionThis document proposes editorial, general, and technical improvements of the ISO 11898-2:2024 international standard. Keywordsn/a | TR95 KiB | 2024-04-30Login |
CiA 150, CiA 205-1, CiA 205-2 version 1.1.0CAL power management layer | DescriptionThis document specifies facilities and services of a Power Management Layer protocol entity on the CAN bus allowing significant reduction of power consumption in CAN networks by the introduction of the so-called network standby capability. The power reduction facilities of current CAN controller hardware designs by using the sleep mode, which can be recognized as a de-facto standard; are supported for usage under all higher layer protocols during an internal Power Management Layer IDLE state. Keywordsn/a | PAS336 KiB | 1997-05-01Login |
CiA 201 to 207 version 1.1.0CAN Application Layer (CAL) for industrial applications | DescriptionThis document contains a description of the CAN Reference Model. This document is part of a set of documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications. Keywordsn/a | PAS2.9 MiB | 1996-02-01Login |
CiA 301 version 4.2.0CANopen application layer and communication profile | DescriptionThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the predefined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Timestamp, and Sync communication objects. Keywordsn/a | PAS3.0 MiB | 2011-02-21Login |
CiA 302-1 version 4.1.0CANopen additional application layer functions - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis document defines additional services and functionalities that extend the services and functionalities of the CiA 301: CANopen — application layer and communication profile. These additional services and functionalities are not required for CANopen devices, but may be useful for certain types of networks. This includes network management, configuration and program download, network variables and process image, dynamic SDO management, network redundancy, and multi-level networking. Keywordsn/a | DSP144 KiB | 2009-02-02Login |
CiA 302-2 version 4.1.0CANopen additonal application layer functions - Part 2: Network management | DescriptionThe definition of the network management includes the definition of the network startup behavior as well as definitions that are related to networks that operate without NMT manager, networks with one CANopen device capable of the NMT manager mode, and networks with more than one CANopen device capable of the NMT manger mode (NMT flying manager for higher availability). These definitions are intended to be an add-on to the CANopen application layer and communication profile (see /CiA301/). Keywordsn/a | DSP1.7 MiB | 2009-02-02Login |
CiA 302-3 version 4.1.0CANopen additional application layer functions - Part 3: Configuration and program download | DescriptionThis document defines objects and file formats for the configuration manager and for program download and control. Keywordsn/a | DSP592 KiB | 2010-04-08Login |
CiA 302-4 version 4.1.0CANopen additional application layer functions - Part 4: Network variables and process image | DescriptionIn a network programmable CANopen devices can be characterized as a process having input variables and output variables. The set of variables will be arguments of the program and hence will be only known in a final state when the program is written. The arguments are handled as variables located in the object dictionary. The marking of such parameters depends on the programming system (e.g. /IEC61131–3/) and does not fall into the scope of this document. But it can be assumed that there is a set of network variables with the logic attribute EXTERN. Compiling/Linking (or interpreting) a program including EXTERN variables requires relocation information. Within CANopen devices this information is the index (and sub-index) of the variable. Most of the programming systems know the mechanism of a resource definition. This can be used to assign the CANopen attributes (index, sub-index, R/W, assignment of CANopen data type to local data type etc.) to the corresponding symbolic names (variable name in the program). The resource definition may be created with a simple editor by the user or with much more comfort by a configuration tool. Systems with a disk- ased file system may exchange the information directly, e.g. via a device configuration file. The names of variables may meet the rules of the underlying programming system. The definition does not fall into the scope of this document. This is the responsibility of the programmer/manufacturer. Defining EXTERN variables requires a rule for distributing the indices. It is called "dynamic index assignment". Keywordsn/a | DSP317 KiB | 2009-02-02Login |
CiA 302-5 version 4.1.0CANopen additional application layer functions - Part 5: SDO manager | DescriptionCANopen offers a communication mechanism between CANopen devices via SDO. These communication channels are always established between two CANopen devices. For accessing a CANopen device the first time at least one SDO channel per CANopen device is required. This is called the default SDO channel. Only the SDO manager is allowed to use that SDO channel. Simple networks may use SDO channels that are pre-configured between a pair of CANopen devices. This allows direct communication between CANopen devices without the need of a SDO manager. This document defines mechanisms that may be used for plug-n-play networks, without the requirement of a pre-configuration of the network. These mechanisms may be used to establish dynamic SDO connections between CANopen devices. These mechanisms require a specific CANopen device in the network that is able to handle the dynamic request; this CANopen device is called SDO manager. These mechanisms require CANopen devices that are able to perform a dynamic request; these CANopen devices are called SDO Requesting Device (SRD). Keywordsn/a | DSP578 KiB | 2009-02-02Login |
CiA 302-6 version 4.1.0CANopen additional application layer functions - Part 6: Network redundancy | DescriptionThe network redundancy is intended to be an add-on to the CANopen application layer and communication profile (see /CiA301/). It is assumed, that a CANopen device with the need of safety-critical and mission-critical communication can use all the features defined by the communication profile. Safety-critical and mission-critical communication is achieved by the underlying structure defined in this specification. The manufacturer and the system integrator shall take care, that the hardware and software of the CANopen device support the safety-critical and mission-critical function and that the CANopen device is operated within its safety-critical and mission-critical limits. Keywordsn/a | DSP512 KiB | 2009-02-02Login |
CiA 302-7 version 1.0.0CANopen additional application layer functions - Part 7: Multi-level networking | DescriptionThis specification describes the interface for bi-directional CANopen-to-CANopen communication in multi-level networks. It supports multiple CANopen networks implementing hierarchical and non-hierarchical architectures. Keywordsn/a | DSP0.9 MiB | 2009-02-02Login |
CiA 302-9 version 1.0.0CANopen additional application layer functions - Part 9: Energy saving | DescriptionThis series of specifications defines additional CANopen services and functionalities, especially related to dedicated application requirements. It comprises the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Network management, Part 3: Configuration and program download, Part 4: Network variables and process image, Part 5: SDO manager, Part 6: Network redundancy, Part 7: Multi-level networking, Part 8: Project management parameters, Part 9: Energy saving. This part of the additional application layer function documents specifies the energy saving modes and the related communication parameters for energy saving. Keywordsn/a | DSP293 KiB | 2014-03-27Login |
CiA 303-1 version 2.0.1Device and network design - Part 1: CANopen physical layer | DescriptionThis document provides device and network design recommendations for the CANopen physical layer. Additionally, it provides guidelines for selecting cables for use in CANopen systems. Keywordsn/a | TR216 KiB | 2023-02-27Login |
CiA 303-3 version 1.4.0Device and network design - Part 3: CANopen indicators | DescriptionThis recommendation describes the communication-related indicators. Additional application-related indicators are either described in the appropriate device profile or are manufacturer-specific. Keywordsn/a | TR237 KiB | 2012-04-27Login |
CiA 305 version 3.0.0CANopen layer setting services (LSS) and protocols | DescriptionThis document specifies the layer setting services (LSS) and protocols for CANopen. These services and protocols are used to inquire or to change the settings of three parameters of the physical layer, data link layer, and application layer on a CANopen device with LSS server capability by a CANopen device with LSS manager capability via the CAN network. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.9 MiB | 2013-05-08Login |
CiA 306 version 1.3.0CANopen electronic data sheet (EDS) | DescriptionThe usage of devices in a communication network requires configuration of the device parameters and communication facilities. CANopen defines a standardised way to access these parameters via the object dictionary. For handling of the complexity of CANopen systems software tools are required. This reduces the complexity of the planning, configuration and analysis process and significantly increases the security of the system. For this purpose software tools need an electronic description of the CANopen devices. To allow the usage of manufacturer independent tools, this document defines a standardised file format – called Electronic Data Sheet. Furthermore some derived file formats are specified. The Device Configuration File describes a concrete incarnation of a device configuration. The Module Data Sheet describes modules of devices with a modular structure. Keywordsn/a | PAS359 KiB | 2005-01-01Login |
CiA 306-1 version 1.4.0CANopen electronic device description - Part 1: Electronic data sheet (EDS) and device configuration file (DCF) | DescriptionThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in harmonized file formats such as electronic data sheet and device configuration file, which are used to configure CANopen device parameters as well as for testing and diagnostic purposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: Part 1: Electronic data sheet and device configuration file, Part 2: Profile database, Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part of the document specifies the electronic data sheets as well as the device configuration files. Additionally, it specifies CANopen Safety device entries for EDS and DCF in the Annex A, the relationship between object attributes and EDS (DCF) keynames in the Annex B, and EDS examples in the Annex C. The specification of an XML-based CANopen device description is not in the scope of this set of documents. Keywordsn/a | DSP687 KiB | 2019-08-01Login |
CiA 306-2 version 1.2.0CANopen electronic device description - Part 2: CANopen profile database (CODB) | DescriptionThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in standardized file formats. These electronic descriptions are used to configure CANopen device parameters or for testing and diagnostic purposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: Part 1: Electronic Data Sheet and Device Configuration File, Part 2: Profile database, Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part specifies the CANopen profile database format, which is used by tools (e.g. EDS file checker). The specification of an XML-based CANopen device description is not in the scope of this set of documents. Keywordsn/a | DSP759 KiB | 2019-08-01Login |
CiA 306-3 version 1.2.0CANopen electronic device description - Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration | DescriptionThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in standardized file formats. These electronic descriptions are used to configure CANopen device parameters or for testing and diagnostic purposes.
This set of documents consists of the three parts: Part 1: Electronic data sheet and device configuration file, Part 2: Profile database, Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part specifies mechanisms with regard to the handling of network variables, which are specified in CiA 302-4. In addition recommendations for tool integration are provided. Keywordsn/a | DSP431 KiB | 2019-08-01Login |
CiA 308 version 1.0.1CANopen performance measurement basics | DescriptionCANopen is a field-bus protocol used in many diverse application: CANopen networks can be found not only in various industrial applications ranging from printing machines and robots to process controls, but also in ships, building automation, trains, trucks and even in coffee machines. CANopen is used for high accuracy drive synchronisation and for flight data recording. It is also in use in medical applications and has been chosen as the standard communication protocol for passenger information systems in public transport. This variety of applications leads to totally different requirements in regard to CANopen performance. The critical real-time requirement of one application may be a short response time to synchronisation messages relating to a single process data object, where as a different application may expect a node with many event driven process data objects to send these objects immediately after a certain input signal has changed. With drive synchronisation for instance, some applications need long time accuracy of the sync cycle and tolerate almost any jitter of a single sync message, and others require minimal jitter and tolerate long term drift. Regarding most other bus systems it is fairly straightforward to measure and publish communication performance figures for most node types. With CANopen this is not the case: the capability of CANopen to tailor the communication to the application needs makes it very difficult to determine valuable performance figures that are independent of the specific network set-up. For example, figures relating to reaction times not only depend on the processor used, but on the actual bus load, on the type of CAN controller being used, on the actual number and types of I/Os or drives connected, on the number and transmission types of the process data objects, on the guard or heartbeat cycle, and on many other settings and parameters in the object dictionary. Developing a CANopen node always involves a certain trade-off between performance and functionality. Therefore performance is a multi-dimensional value. The goal of this performance specification is to name and define a set of CANopen communication performance figures that may be used to compare devices and implementations within a specific application environment. It is not the aim of this paper to define a standard performance-measuring environment, as this would lead to implementations that perform fine in exactly this environment but disappoint under most other conditions. However, in order to establish some comparable conditions, this specification defines a number of standard busloads that may be used to simulate or enhance application environments. This performance test specification is aimed both at CANopen device developers and at CANopen system integrators. It may help developers determine relative performance figures regarding two implementation variants, thus leading to better devices and it may help system integrators to ask the right questions, thus leading to better CANopen networks. Keywordsn/a | TR1.4 MiB | 2006-01-24Login |
CiA 309-1 version 3.0.0CANopen access from other networks - Part 1: General principles and services | DescriptionThis part specifies the mapping to CANopen communication services to access CANopen networks from the other networks. Keywordsn/a | DS0.9 MiB | 2020-04-06Login |
CiA 309-2 version 1.3.0CANopen access from other networks - Part 2: Modbus TCP/IP mapping | DescriptionThis specification defines the services and protocols to interface CANopen networks to other (e.g. TCP/IP-based) networks. This set of specifications is organized as follows: Part 1: General principles and services, Part 2: Modbus/TCP mapping, Part 3: ASCII mapping, Part 4: Amendment 7 to Fieldbus Integration into PROFINET IO. Part 2 specifies the mapping of services defined in CiA 309-1 on Modbus/TCP. It is intended to access CANopen devices via a CiA 309 gateway device from a remotely Modbus/TCP connected device (e.g. PLC or tool). Keywordsn/a | DS1.0 MiB | 2015-07-30Login |
CiA 309-3 version 3.0.0CANopen access from other networks - Part 3: ASCII mapping | DescriptionThis part specifies the ASCII-based communication syntax for CiA 309 gateway devices. The aim is to provide a lightweight counterpart to solutions with CORBA or OPC. Keywordsn/a | DS770 KiB | 2020-04-06Login |
CiA 309-4 version 1.0.0CANopen access from other networks - Part 4: Amendment 7 to Fieldbus Integration into PROFINET IO | DescriptionThis guideline describes the integration of CANopen systems into PROFINET IO. It shall be used as basis for the development of linking devices between CANopen and PROFINET. Base for this document is the general fieldbus integration document [4]. The primary use case is to connect CANopen Devices to PROFINET controllers in that way, that the Linking Device is a modular device and the CANopen Devices are modules within the Linking Device. The elements of the system should behave as described in the PROFINET IO specification. Keywordsn/a | DSP657 KiB | 2011-03-01Login |
CiA 309-5 version 1.0.0CANopen access from other networks - Part 5: RESTful and WebSocket mapping | DescriptionThis part specifies the mapping of CANopen services, introduced in the part 3, in HTTP (HTTPS) and WebSocket protocols with physical and logical addressing. Keywordsn/a | DS2.1 MiB | 2020-04-06Login |
CiA 310-1 version 1.1.0CANopen conformance test plan – Part 1: CiA 301 testing | DescriptionConformance testing is the process of verifying that an implementation performs in accordance with a particular standard, specification or environment. A CiA 310 conforming implementation is one that satisfies both static and dynamic conformance requirements. Conformance testing is not intended to be exhaustive, but it does ensure with a reasonable degree of confidence that implementation is consistent with its specification and it increases probability that implementations will interoperate. The test specification includes a lower test comprising the test description and specification for CANopen devices with NMT slave functionality compliant to the CANopen application layer and communication profile. The test specification of dynamic and upper tests does not fall in the scope of this document as well as the definition of additional tests for checking conformance of a CANopen device to a certain CANopen device profile. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.0 MiB | 2009-02-04Login |
CiA 311 version 1.1.0CANopen XML schema definition | DescriptionThis specification defines the elements and rules for describing device profiles and communication network profiles for devices used in CANopen-based control systems. The content of this specification complies with the definitions and provisions of ISO 15745-1:2005/Amd1. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.4 MiB | 2011-08-10Login |
CiA 312-1 version 1.0.0CANopen profile conformance test plans - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThe document contains additional lower-, dynamic- and upper tests for CANopen devices that shall be tested according to a certain device profile. The definitions of the generic lower-, dynamic- and upper tests do not fall in the scope of this document. Keywordsn/a | DSP134 KiB | 2008-04-11Login |
CiA 312-2 version 1.0.0CANopen profile conformance test plans - Part 2: Generic I/O modules | DescriptionThis part of CANopen device profile conformance test plan contains additional tests for generic I/O modules, which are tested for conformity according to CANopen device profile generic I/O modules. The additional tests verify entries in EDS and object dictionary, which are defined in CANopen device profile generic I/O modules. Furthermore additional test steps verify object coherences that are defined in that device profile. To achieve a certain level of conformity the CANopen device shall pass the corresponding tests defined in CANopen conformance test plan plus those defined in this part of the document series. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.0 MiB | 2008-04-11Login |
CiA 312-4 version 1.0.0CANopen profile conformance test plans - Part 4: Contrast media injector | DescriptionThis part of the test plan specifies the additional tests for contrast media injectors, which shall be tested for conformity according to CANopen application profile for medical diagnostic add-on modules (CiA 425-1 version 2.0. and CiA 425-2 version 2.0.2). The additional tests verify entries in EDS and object dictionary, which are defined in CANopen application profile for medical diagnostic add-on modules. Furthermore additional test steps verify the implementation of the device finite state automata and further object coherences, which are defined in application profile for medical diagnostic add-on modules. To achieve a certain level of conformity the DUT shall pass the corresponding tests defined in CANopen conformance test plan, CiA 312-1, plus those defined in this test plan. Keywordsn/a | DSP2.0 MiB | 2009-01-16Login |
CiA 312-7 version 1.0.0CANopen profile conformance test plans - Part 7: Pedelec Profile 1 | DescriptionThis document provides the conformance test specification for devices implemented according to CiA 454, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 version 2.0. Keywordsn/a | DSP568 KiB | 2020-03-03Login |
CiA 314 version 1.0.0Accessing CANopen services in devices programmable in IEC 61131-3 languages | DescriptionThis document specifies function blocks to produce or consume CANopen communication services for devices programmable in IEC 61131-3 languages and to provide local CANopen functions. This specification is suitable for programmable logic controllers (PLCs), PC-based controllers running a PLC-software, and other programmable devices compliant to IEC 61131. Keywordsn/a | DSP342 KiB | 2015-10-09Login |
CiA 315 version 1.0.0CANopen generic frame for wireless tunneling and for transfer of diagnostic data | DescriptionThis specification specifies the generic frame for the transparent transmission of CAN messages on a wireless network. Keywordsn/a | DSP626 KiB | 2011-08-09Login |
CiA 318 version 1.0.0CANopen integration into RTC environments | DescriptionThis document specifies the mapping of the Robotic technology component (RTC) finite state automaton to the CANopen network management (NMT) finite state automaton as well as the mapping of the RTC data types to CANopen data types. In addition, it describes the RTC-CANopen manager and the ProxyRTCs system integration. Keywordsn/a | DSP585 KiB | 2012-02-10Login |
CiA 319 version 1.0.1CANopen implementation and configuration specification for safety-related device | DescriptionThis document specifies the procedure to configure safety-related parameters and to proof the authentication for devices implementing communication services given in EN 50325-5 (CANopen Safety). Additionally, it recommends the configuration signature and validation parameters to be used in CiA profile specifications. Keywordsn/a | DSP139 KiB | 2022-12-08Login |
CiA 320 version 1.0.0CANopen services and protocols for sleep and wake-up handling | DescriptionThis document specifies services and protocols for sleep and wake-up handling. It considers CANopen devices that use CAN transceivers with low-power mode or selective wake-up capability, as well. CANopen sleep and wake-up handling are implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles, add-on modules for special purpose cars, service robots, or any other application that operate on a limited amount of energy and in which energy management is therefore essential. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.0 MiB | 2018-03-14Login |
CiA 401-B version 1.0.0.I/O device profile - Part B: Functional behavior and parameters | DescriptionThis document specifies the functional behavior and parameters of generic analog and digital input and output devices. Additionally, AnnexA specifies the functional behavior and parameters of specific analog and digital input and output devices such as joysticks.
Keywordsn/a | DSP3.1 MiB | 2023-06-19Login |
CiA 401-C version 1.0.0I/O device profile - Part C: Mapping to classic CANopen | Descriptionn/a Keywordsn/a | DSP719 KiB | 2023-06-19Login |
CiA 401-F version 1.0.0I/O device profile - Part F: Mapping to CANopen FD | Descriptionn/a Keywordsn/a | DSP586 KiB | 2023-06-19Login |
CiA 401-1 version 3.1.0CANopen profile for I/O devices - Part 1: Generic I/O modules | DescriptionThis CANopen profile specifies generic CANopen digital and analog input and output devices. Devices compliant to this specifications use communication techniques, which are conform to
those described in the CANopen application layer and communication profile specification. In addition, programmable I/O devices may use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CANopen additional application layer functions.
This device profile specification consists of several parts:
- Part 1: Generic I/O devices
- Part 2: Joysticks
This part of the device profile specifies the CANopen interface for modules with generic
analog and digital inputs and outputs. The first default TPDO and RPDO support up to 64 digital inputs, respectively up to 64 digital outputs both grouped byte-wise. The remaining default PDOs transmit or receive up to 12 analog inputs respectively up to 12 analog outputs both with a 16-bit resolution. All TPDOs are triggered by change-of-state. Therefore, default TPDOs containing analog inputs are disabled. Besides the default byte-wise access to digital I/Os, optional bit-, word-, and double-word
access may be supported. Besides the default 16-bit resolution for the analog I/Os, optional 8-bit, 32-bit, floating-point and manufacturer-specific resolutions may be supported. Several parameters are specified to configure the input and output behavior (e.g. trigger conditions for inputs, output behavior in case of internal device failures. Keywordsn/a | PAS1.9 MiB | 2013-02-12Login |
CiA 401-2 version 3.1.0CANopen profile for I/O devices - Part 2: Joysticks | DescriptionThis CANopen profile specifies generic CANopen digital and analog input and output devices. Devices compliant to this specifications use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CANopen application layer and communication profile specification. In addition, programmable I/O devices may use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CANopen additional application layer functions.
This profile consists of several parts:
- Part 1: Generic I/O devices
- Part 2: Joysticks
This part of the profile specifies the CANopen interface for joysticks and similar devices, e.g. foot-pedals.
Keywordsn/a | PAS494 KiB | 2013-02-12Login |
CiA 402-1 version 5.0.0CANopen device profile for drives and motion control - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis document provides general definitions on functional elements of power drive systems. It also defines application modes such as for torque, velocity, and position control. Keywordsn/a | DSP365 KiB | 2023-12-05Login |
CiA 402-2 version 5.0.0CANopen device profile drives and motion control - Part 2: Operation modes and application data | DescriptionThis document specifies the basic drive functional behavior and additional application functional elements as given in IEC 61800-7-201. This includes the specification of drive operation modes and application data for power drive systems such as frequency converters, servo controllers, or stepper motor controllers. It includes the definition of real-time control objects as well as of configuration, adjustment, identification and network management objects. The document specifies the PDS finite state automaton (FSA), which can be controlled externally by a control device communicating via a CAN-based network.
NOTE This document specifies some differences compared with IEC 61800-7-201:2015, which are not yet introduced in the IEC standard.
Keywordsn/a | DSP4.0 MiB | 2024-02-06Login |
CiA 402-3 version 5.0.0CANopen device profile for drives and motion control - Part 3: PDO mapping | DescriptionThis document specifies CANopen PDO communication and mapping parameters power drive devices. In addition, this document specifies the PDO mapping attributes for communication and application parameters. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.3 MiB | 2024-02-06Login |
CiA 402-4 version 1.0.0CANopen device profile for drives and motion control - Part 4: Safety functionality | DescriptionThis series of profile specifies the CANopen interface of power drive systems. It is suitable for drive and motion controllers. It specifies several operating modes for frequency inverters, servocontrollers, and stepper motors. The series of profile is split in several parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Operation modes and application data, Part 3: PDO mapping, Part 4: Safety functionality, Part 5: PDO mapping superset. Part 2 and part 3 are substituted by the international standards IEC 61800-7-201 respectively IEC 61800-7-301. This part specifies the safety functionality for electrical drives and motion controllers compliant with the CiA 402 profile. It specifies the safety-related process data, the safety-related configuration parameters, and the safety-related diagnostic information as well as the SRDO communication and mapping parameters. Safety devices compliant with this part consume SRDOs containing commands from a control device and produce SRDOs containing status information to be received by the control device. Safety devices compliant with this document provide typically local safety functions as well as safety inputs and outputs. The safety outputs can be used to assign safety status information or can be set by the command information of the safety logic. The document is based on the ETG.6100.2 Generic Safety Drive Profile by the Ethercat Technology Group (ETG), and it specifies the mapping to CANopen. NOTE: The naming and the assigned indices and sub-indices of the parameters are far as possible the same as in the ETG documents. But some ETG parameters are represented in CANopen by two parameters, consequently two names are used. Keywordsn/a | DSP3.2 MiB | 2015-12-02Login |
CiA 402-5 version 1.0.0CANopen device profile for drives and motion control - Part 5: PDO mapping superset | DescriptionThis series of profile specifies the CANopen interface of power drive systems. It is suitable for drive and motion controllers. It specifies several operating modes for frequency inverters, servocontrollers, and stepper motors. The series of profile is split in several parts: Part 1: General definitions, (Part 2: Operation modes and application data), (Part 3: PDO mapping), Part 4: Safety functionality, Part 5: PDO mapping superset. Part 2 and part 3 are substituted by the international standards IEC 61800-7-201 respectively IEC 61800-7-301. This part specifies the set of PDOs for CiA 402 compliant CANopen devices, which can control asynchronous and synchronous motors. Keywordsn/a | DSP395 KiB | 2014-01-31Login |
CiA 402-6 version 1.0.0CANopen device profile for drives and motion control - Part 6: CANopen FD PDO mapping | DescriptionThis series of profile specifies the CANopen interface of power drive systems. It is suitable for drive and motion controllers. It specifies several operating modes for frequency inverters, servocontrollers, and stepper motors. The series of profile is split in several parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Operation modes and application data, Part 3: PDO mapping, Part 4: Safety functionality, Part 5: PDO mapping superset, Part 6: CANopen FD PDO mapping. This part specifies the CANopen FD mapping for frequency converters, servo drives and stepper motors as well as for multiple-axes systems. Keywordsn/a | DSP783 KiB | 2016-10-10Login |
CiA 404 version 1.2.0CANopen profile for measuring devices and closed-loop controllers | DescriptionThis document represents the device profile for measuring devices and for universal controller devices for measuring or controlling physical quantities like temperature or pressure. These devices use communication techniques which are conform to those described in /2/. This document should be consulted in parallel to this profile. Keywordsn/a | PAS2.2 MiB | 2002-05-15Login |
CiA 404-1 version 2.1.0CANopen device profile for measuring devices and closed-loop controllers – Part 1: Generic objects and generic PDO mapping | DescriptionThis document specifies the device profile for measuring devices and for universal controller devices for measuring or controlling of physical quantities such as temperature or pressure. The CANopen device profile for measuring devices and closed-loop controllers consists of two parts: Part 1 defines the generic objects and the generic PDO mapping. Part 2 defines the EUROMAP specific parameters. This part specifies the parameter for the digital input and output blocks resp. the analog input and output blocks. Additionally, it specifies the alarm and control as well as the device function block. Keywordsn/a | DSP3.1 MiB | 2016-07-19Login |
CiA 404-2 version 2.0.0CANopen profile for measuring devices and closed-loop controllers - Part 2: EUROMAP implementation | DescriptionThis specification represents the device profile for measuring devices and for universal controller devices for measuring or controlling physical quantities like temperature or pressure. These devices use communication techniques which are conform to those described in /CiA301/.
The CANopen device profile for measuring devices and closed-loop controllers consists of several parts:
• Part 1 defines the generic objects and the generic PDO mapping
• Part 2 defines the EUROMAP specific parameters
This part specifies the additional objects needed for EUROMAP 75 measuring amplifiers
parameters and EUROMAP 66 heating/cooling device parameters.
Keywordsn/a | DSP441 KiB | 2013-08-01Login |
CiA 406-B version 1.0.0Encoder device profile - Part B: Functional behavior and parameters | DescriptionThis document specifies the functional behavior as well as application parameters for different types of linear and rotary encoders such as incremental and absolute, normal, and high-resolution, single and multi-sensor (linear only) encoders. This includes encoder output process values such as position, speed, acceleration and jerk, and encoder CAM parameters. Additionally, safety-related parameters such as safety position and safety speed for encoders are specified. The mapping into Process Data Objects (PDO), Safety-related Data Objects (SRDO), and Parameter Groups (PG) is not in the scope of this document. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.6 MiB | 2022-12-07Login |
CiA 406-C version 1.0.0Encoder device profile - Part C: CANopen mapping | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen communication and mapping parameters for encoders compliant with the CiA 406-B specification. This includes the PDO mapping and the optional SRDO mapping. Keywordsn/a | DSP753 KiB | 2022-12-07Login |
CiA 406-F version 1.0.0Encoder device profile - Part F: CANopen FD mapping | DescriptionThis document part specifies the CANopen FD communication and mapping parameters for encoders compliant with the CiA 406-B specification. This includes the PDO mapping. Keywordsn/a | DSP492 KiB | 2022-12-07Login |
CiA 406-J version 1.2.0Encoder device profile - Part J: Mapping to J1939 | DescriptionThis document specifies the mapping of CiA 406-B process data into J1939 parameter groups. This includes the specification of parameter groups and the configuration by means of the CAM11 and CAM21 parameter groups specified in the CiA 510 document. Keywordsn/a | DSP263 KiB | 2022-12-07Login |
CiA 406 version 4.1.0CANopen device profile for encoders | DescriptionThis document specifies the communication and application parameters for different types of linear and rotary encoders such as incremental and absolute, normal, and high resolution, single and multi-sensor (linear only) encoders. The document provides also operating principles of the encoders and specifies encoder output process values such as position, speed, acceleration and jerk. The document specifies also encoder CAM parameters. This document also specifies CANopen Safety parameters such as Safety position and Safety speed for encoders with CANopen Safety functionality (see EN 50325-5). Keywordsn/a | DS2.1 MiB | 2022-12-23Login |
CiA 408 version 1.5.2CANopen device profile for fluid power technology proportional valves and hydrostatic transmissions | DescriptionThis profile describes the functionality of interconnectable proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. The document is based on the profile “Fluid Power Technology”, version 1.5 released by VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Frankfurt/Main, Germany/VDMAPROP/. The device profile has been defined for hydraulic proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. It can as well be applied on pneumatic devices. Keywordsn/a | PAS2.8 MiB | 2005-01-01Login |
CiA 408 version 2.1.0CANopen device profile for fluid power technology | DescriptionThis CiA device profile describes the functionality of interconnectable proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. The specification is based on the profile “Fluid Power Technology”, version 1.6.3 designed by Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Frankfurt/Main, Germany (VDMA). The device profile specifies CANopen interface for hydraulic proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. This profile may as well be applied on pneumatic devices. Keywordsn/a | DSP5.9 MiB | 2021-01-23Login |
CiA 410-B version 1.0.0Inclinometer device profile - Part B: Functional behavior and parameters | DescriptionThis document specifies the functional behavior as well as application parameters for inclinometers. The mapping into Process Data Objects (PDO), Safety-related Data Objects (SRDO), and Parameter Groups (PG) is not in the scope of this document. Keywordsn/a | DSP709 KiB | 2024-01-16Login |
CiA 410-C version 1.0.0Inclinometer device profile - Part C: CANopen CC mapping | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen CC communication and mapping parameters for inclinometers compliant with the CiA 410-B specification. This includes the PDO mapping and the optional SRDO mapping. Keywordsn/a | DSP618 KiB | 2024-01-16Login |
CiA 410-F version 1.0.0Inclinometer device profile - Part F: CANopen FD mapping | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen FD communication and mapping parameters for
inclinometers compliant with the CiA 410-B specification. This includes the PDO mapping. Keywordsn/a | DSP384 KiB | 2024-01-16Login |
CiA 410-J version 1.1.0Inclinometer device profile - Part J: Mapping to J1939 | DescriptionThis document specifies the mapping of CiA 410 process data into J1939 parameter groups. This includes the specification of parameter groups and the configuration by means of the CAM11 and CAM21 parameter groups specified in the CiA 510 specification. Keywordsn/a | DSP214 KiB | 2020-12-01Login |
CiA 410 version 1.3.0CANopen device profile for inclinometer | DescriptionThis specification represents the CANopen device profile for one- and two-axis inclinometers. Keywordsn/a | PAS457 KiB | 2010-02-23Login |
CiA 412-1 version 1.0.0CANopen profiles for medical devices - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThe CANopen profiles for medical devices includes several parts: Part 1 describes general definitions, Part 2 defines the profile for automatic X-ray collimators, Part 3 defines the profile for X-ray generators, Part 4 defines the profile for patient tables, Part 5 defines the profile for X-ray stands. Devices compliant to these profiles use communication techniques, which conforms to those described in the CANopen communication profile (CiA Draft Standard DS-301, /2/). In addition, medical devices and sub-systems may use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the framework for programmable CANopen Devices (CiA Draft Standard Proposal DSP-302). These specifications should be consulted in parallel to these device profile specifications. Keywordsn/a | PAS167 KiB | 2005-12-31Login |
CiA 412-2 version 1.0.0CANopen profiles for medical devices - Part 2: Automatic x-ray collimator | DescriptionThis document represents the CANopen device profile for generic X-ray collimators, and as such describes the generic subset of collimator functionality. A prerequisite for the conformity to this CANopen device profile is conformity with the CANopen communication profile (CiA Draft Standard DS 301). Additionally, in the case that the module is programmable it must conform to the Framework for programmable CANopen devices (CiA Draft Standard Proposal DSP 302). These specifications should be consulted in parallel to this device profile specification. Keywordsn/a | PAS1.3 MiB | 2005-12-31Login |
CiA 412-6 version 1.1.0CANopen profiles for medical devices - Part 6: Dose measurement system | DescriptionThis specification defines the CANopen device profile for dose measurement systems. A prerequisite for the conformity to this CANopen device profile is conformity with the CANopen communication profile. Additionally, in the case that the module is programmable conformance to the framework for programmable CANopen devices is required. It is recommended to consulted these specifications in parallel to this device profile specification. Keywordsn/a | PAS2.0 MiB | 2008-08-27Login |
CiA 413-1 version 3.0.0CANopen device profile for truck gateways – Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis set of profile specifications describes CANopen gateways to CAN-based in-vehicle networks using the SAE J1939-71 application profile, ISO 11992-2, -3, and -4 truck/trailer networks or other J1939-based networks, e.g. ISO 11783-based (ISOBUS) networks, NMEA2000 networks, or RV-CAN network systems. The CANopen device profile for truck gateways consists of several parts: Part 1 describes general definitions. Part 2 defines the application objects for braking and running gear. Part 3 defines the application objects for equipment other than brakes and running gear. Part 5 defines the application objects for superstructures. Part 6 defines the interface profile for J1939-to-CANopen gateways. Part 8 defines the framework for HMI control. This part specifies the physical layer including connectors, and some general communication parameters. There are no PDOs pre-defined. Keywordsn/a | DSP335 KiB | 2011-11-24Login |
CiA 413-2 version 3.0.0CANopen device profile for truck gateways – Part 2: Brake and running gear devices | DescriptionThis set of profile specifications describes CANopen gateways to CAN-based in-vehicle networks using the SAE J1939-71 application profile, ISO 11992-2, -3, and -4 truck/trailer networks or other J1939-based networks, e.g. ISO 11783-based (ISOBUS) networks, or NMEA2000 networks, or RV-CAN network systems. The CANopen device profile for truck gateways consists of several parts: Part 1 describes general definitions. Part 2 defines the application objects for braking and running gear. Part 3 defines the application objects for equipment other than brakes and running gear. Part 5 defines the application objects for superstructures. Part 6 defines the interface profile for J1939-to-CANopen gateways. Part 8 defines the framework for HMI control. This part specifies the application objects for brake and running gear equipment. These objects are equivalent to signals and parameters in /ISO11992-2/. This allows a directly forwarding of messages received from the in-vehicle network and a directly forwarding of CANopen application objects to the in-vehicle network. Keywordsn/a | DSP2.1 MiB | 2011-11-24Login |
CiA 413-3 version 3.0.0CANopen device profile for truck gateways – Part 3: Other than brake and running gear devices | DescriptionThis set of profile specifications describes CANopen gateways to CAN-based in-vehicle networks using the SAE J1939-71 application profile, ISO 11992-2, -3, and -4 truck/trailer networks or other J1939-based networks, e.g. ISO 11783-based (ISOBUS) networks, or NMEA2000 networks, or RV-CAN network systems. The CANopen device profile for truck gateways consists of several parts: Part 1 describes general definitions. Part 2 defines the application objects for braking and running gear. Part 3 defines the application objects for equipment other than brakes and running gear. Part 5 defines the application objects for superstructures. Part 6 defines the interface profile for J1939-to-CANopen gateways. Part 8 defines the framework for HMI control. This part specifies the application objects for other than brake and running gear equipment. These objects are equivalent to signals and parameters in /ISO11992-3/. This allows a directly forwarding of messages received from the in-vehicle network and a directly forwarding of CANopen application objects to the in-vehicle network. Keywordsn/a | DSP3.0 MiB | 2011-11-24Login |
CiA 413-5 version 1.0.0CANopen interface profile for truck gateways - Part 5: Application data objects for superstructure | DescriptionPart 5 of CANopen device profile for truck gateways defines the application objects for superstructure. The normative references, definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations given in part 1 applies to this part, too. Keywordsn/a | DSP589 KiB | 2003-12-31Login |
CiA 413-6 version 1.0.0CANopen device profile for truck gateways – Part 6: Framework for J1939-based networks | DescriptionPart 6 of the CANopen device profile for truck gateways defines a framework for J1939-based networks. The normative references, definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations given in part 1 applies to this part, too. The object value definitions shall be as given in SAE J1939-71. The gateway is usable in static systems, where ECU address changes do not apply. Using other protocols based on J1939, such as ISO 11783 or NMEA 2000 will require some extensions, that may be subject to later versions. Keywordsn/a | DSP219 KiB | 2003-12-31Login |
CiA 413-8 version 1.0.0CANopen device profile for truck gateways – Part 8: Framework for HMI control | DescriptionThis set of profile specifications describes CANopen gateways to CAN-based in-vehicle networks using the SAE J1939-71 application profile, ISO 11992-2, -3, and -4 truck/trailer networks or other J1939-based networks, e.g. ISO 11783-based (ISOBUS) networks, NMEA2000 networks, or RV-CAN network systems. This part of the set of profile specification specifies a generic I/O functionality that enables usage of the truck HMI device. Keywordsn/a | DSP410 KiB | 2011-11-24Login |
CiA 414-1 version 1.1.0CANopen device profiles for weaving machines - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThe device profile defines the CANopen interfaces for weaving machines. The specification comprises the following two parts: Part 1 : General definitions, Part 2 : Feeders. Part 1 defines the operating principles for the feeder sub-systems, the error handling and the general communication parameters. Keywordsn/a | PAS167 KiB | 2007-06-18Login |
CiA 414-2 version 1.1.0CANopen device profiles for weaving machines - Part 2: Feeders | DescriptionPart 2 of the CANopen device profile for weaving machines specifies the CANopen interface for feeders. This device profile for feeders covers ‘pre-measuring feeders’ as well as ‘weft feeders’. Keywordsn/a | PAS518 KiB | 2007-06-18Login |
CiA 415 version 2.2.0CANopen application profile for sensor systems in road-construction and earth-moving machines | DescriptionThe CANopen sensor system application profile for road construction and earth moving machines specifies the communication interface for sensors as well as the sensor control unit. The profile is suitable for a broad range of machine types (e.g. paver, compactor, grader, dozer, mill, heater and truck). Keywordsn/a | DSP1.9 MiB | 2009-04-22Login |
CiA 416-1 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for building door control – Part 1: General definitions, start-up procedures and system security | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for building door control consists of several parts: Part 1: General definitions, start-up procedures and system security, Part 2: Virtual devices overview, Part 3: Pre-defined communication objects and application object specification. These specifications represent the CANopen application profile for building door control. It describes the interaction of e.g. door locking status, key cylinder, handle, alarms, system parameters, keypads and many more. Each of those properties is realized as a single virtual device. Keywordsn/a | DSP670 KiB | 2007-08-28Login |
CiA 416-2 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for building door control - Part 2: Virtual devices overview | DescriptionThis part of the application profile gives an overview of the virtual devices. Keywordsn/a | DSP361 KiB | 2007-08-28Login |
CiA 416-3 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for building door control - Part 3: Pre-defined communication objects and application data objects | DescriptionThis part of the application profile pre-defines the application objects of the physical and virtual devices in detail Keywordsn/a | DSP3.6 MiB | 2007-08-28Login |
CiA 417-1 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CANopen Lift control network system. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices).
This application profile specification consists of several parts:
• Part 1 provides general definitions
• Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices
• Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs
• Part 4 specifies the application objects
Besides some general definitions such as general virtual device descriptions, this part specifies the CAN physical layer as well as the error handling. Additionally some network architecture examples are given. Keywordsn/a | PAS417 KiB | 2011-02-02Login |
CiA 417-1 version 2.3.0CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications specifies the CANopen Lift control network. It consists of several parts:
- Part 1 provides general definitions
- Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices ? Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs
- Part 4 specifies the application objects
This part specifies the general lift control network architecture and provides description and block diagrams for single and multi-shaft CANopen lift control network structures. It provides description of lift component functions in form of virtual devices and their functions in the lift control network. It specifies CANopen physical layer and node-ID assignment in single or multi-shaft control network. Furthermore, it specifies bootloader mode handling for firmware upload and application programs. Additionally, it specifies also network wide error handling, power management handling, power consumption measurements, and character encoding for VT-52 terminals. Keywordsn/a | DSP423 KiB | 2018-12-10Login |
CiA 417-2 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 2: Virtual device definitions | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CANopen Lift control network system. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices).
This application profile specification consists of several parts:
• Part 1 provides general definitions
• Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices
• Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs
• Part 4 specifies the application objects
This part specifies for a single lift application (lift 1) the general communication parameter. It specifies also for each virtual device the supported application objects including the category, access, and default value attributes. It describes the supported Process Data Objects (PDO). In addition, the PDOs for the other lift application 2 to 8 are assigned correspondingly.
Keywordsn/a | PAS470 KiB | 2011-02-02Login |
CiA 417-2 version 2.3.0CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 2: Virtual device definitions | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications specifies the CANopen Lift control network. It consists of several parts:
- Part 1 provides general definitions
- Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices ? Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs
- Part 4 specifies the application objects
This part specifies the general communication parameters, list of application parameters, including the category, access, and default value attributes, assigned to each virtual device in a single lift application as well as list of PDOs assigned to each virtual device in a lift application 1 to 8. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.1 MiB | 2018-12-10Login |
CiA 417-3-1 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 3-1: Pre-defined PDOs for lift application 1 | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CANopen Lift control network system. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices).
This application profile specification consists of several parts:
• Part 1 provides general definitions
• Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices
• Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs
• Part 4 specifies the application objects
This part of the application profile specifies pre-definitions for communication objects. This sub- part specifies in detail the communication and mapping behavior of the PDOs for the lift 1 application. Keywordsn/a | PAS1.3 MiB | 2011-02-02Login |
CiA 417-3-1 version 2.2.0CANopen application profile for lift control systems Part 3-1: Pre-defined PDOs for lift application 1 | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications specifies the CANopen Lift control network. It consists of several parts:
- Part 1 provides general definitions
- Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices ? Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs
- Part 4 specifies the application objects
This part of the application profile specifies in detail the communication and mapping behavior of the PDOs for the lift 1 application. Additionally, the COB-ID assignment is specified for PDOs for the lift application 1 to 8. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.1 MiB | 2018-02-02Login |
CiA 417-4 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 4: Detailed application data objects | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CANopen Lift control network system. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices).
This application profile specification consists of several parts:
• Part 1 provides general definitions
• Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices
• Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs
• Part 4 specifies the application objects
This part specifies in detail the used process data, configuration parameter, and diagnostic information represented in the object dictionary for the lift 1 application. Keywordsn/a | PAS1.9 MiB | 2011-02-02Login |
CiA 417-4 version 2.3.0CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 4: Detailed application data objects | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications specifies the CANopen Lift control network. It consists of several parts:
- Part 1 provides general definitions
- Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices ? Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs
- Part 4 specifies the application objects
This part specifies in detail the used process data, configuration parameters, and diagnostic information represented in the object dictionary for the lift 1 application. Keywordsn/a | DSP3.6 MiB | 2018-11-22Login |
CiA 418 version 1.2.0CANopen device profile for battery modules | DescriptionThis device profile specifies a recommended practice for the communication link between a battery module and a battery charger. The required data messages are intended to be sufficient to allow a battery charge to be carried out. Optional data is a selection of data commonly used in the industry to provide enhanced features. Battery modules compliant to this standard shall use communication techniques, which conforms to those described in the CANopen application layer and communication profile. Keywordsn/a | PAS716 KiB | 2012-04-27Login |
CiA 419 version 1.2.0CANopen device profile for battery chargers | DescriptionThis device profile specifies the battery charger communication and application objects in order to obtain sufficient information from the battery module to allow a charge to be carried out. Optional data is a selection of data commonly used in the industry to provide enhanced features. Chargers compliant to this standard shall use communication techniques, which conforms to those described in the CANopen application layer and communication profile. Keywordsn/a | PAS474 KiB | 2012-04-27Login |
CiA 420-1 version 3.2.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices includes several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the physical layer and the common CANopen functions and common communication objects. It also specifies the CANopen functions of the manager-extruder. Keywordsn/a | PAS657 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-2 version 3.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 2: Puller | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices includes several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for the puller downstream device. Keywordsn/a | PAS475 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-3 version 3.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 3: Corrugator | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices include several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for the corrugator downstream device. Keywordsn/a | PAS435 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-4 version 3.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 4: Saw | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices includes several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for the saw downstream device. Keywordsn/a | PAS438 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-5 version 2.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 5: Simple and advanced co-extruder | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices includes several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for simple and advanced co-extruder. Keywordsn/a | PAS487 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 420-6 version 1.1.0CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Part 6: Calibration-table | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for extruder downstream devices include several parts: Part 1 specifies general definitions, Part 2 specifies the device profile for the puller downstream device, Part 3 specifies the device profile for the corrugator downstream device, Part 4 specifies the device profile for the saw downstream device, Part 5 specifies the device profile for the co-extruder device, Part 6 specifies the device profile for the calibration-table downstream device. NOTE: All parts of this specification have been developed jointly with the European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries (Euromap) and is documented there as Euromap 27. This part specifies the CANopen interface for calibration-tables. Keywordsn/a | PAS556 KiB | 2015-05-07Login |
CiA 421-1 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for train vehicle control systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis application profile defines the communication between virtual devices within locomotives, power cars as well as coaches. It is intended to use the application profile for urban and regional rail vehicle transportation system as well as long-distance rail vehicle transportation systems including high-speed trains. But it is not limited to these railway applications, e.g. it is also used in cargo train locomotives and cargo train wagons as well as other railway transportation systems, such as commuter trains, subway trains, etc.
Keywordsn/a | DSP409 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 421-4 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for train vehicle control systems - Part 4: Auxillary operating system | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for train control networks describes the CANopen interface of the virtual rail vehicle auxiliary operating system. Keywordsn/a | DSP504 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 421-5 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for train vehicle control systems - Part 5: Power (drive) system | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile describes the CANopen interface of the virtual power drive system to the rail vehicle in-vehicle network. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.8 MiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 421-9 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for train vehicle control systems - Part 9: Vehicle linkage system | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicles describes the CANopen interface of the vehicle linkage device. Via this interface all required data is exchanged that is relevant to control full automatic couplings. Full automatic couplings handle all connections between the rail vehicles such as e.g. electrically or electrical automatically, without human interaction.
Keywordsn/a | DSP354 KiB | 2008-04-17Login |
CiA 421-10 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for train vehicle control systems - Part 10: Exterior lighting system | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicles describes the CANopen interface of the virtual exterior lighting system. Keywordsn/a | DSP452 KiB | 2008-08-18Login |
CiA 421-11 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for train vehicle control systems - Part 11: Interior lighting system | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicles describes the CANopen interface of the virtual interior lighting system. Keywordsn/a | DSP350 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 421-12 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for train vehicle control systems - Part 12: Door control system | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicles describes the CANopen interface of the virtual door control system. Keywordsn/a | DSP549 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 422-1 version 2.1.0CANopen application profile for municipal vehicles – Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CleANopen embedded body control network of municipal vehicles, e.g. refuse collecting trucks. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). It does not specify CANopen devices. With special regard to functional safety, any device is responsible for a safe operation, by itself. Any measure that increases the probability for safe operation and utilizes the CAN communication is just on top. Therefore these measures are not safety-relevant in terms of functional safety. The CleANopen application profile specifications consists of several parts: Part 1 provides the general definitions, Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices, Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs and SDOs, Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part provides some general definitions of CleANopen and specifies the CAN physical layer as well as the error handling. Keywordsn/a | DSP577 KiB | 2018-12-20Login |
CiA 422-2 version 2.1.0CANopen application profile for municipal vehicles – Part 2: Virtual device functionality | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CleANopen embedded body control network of municipal vehicles, e.g. refuse collecting trucks. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). It does not specify CANopen devices. The CleANopen application profile specifications consists of several parts: Part 1 provides the general definitions, Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices, Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs and SDOs, Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part specifies the general communication parameter. It specifies for each virtual device the supported application objects including the category, access, and default value attributes. It describes the supported Process Data Objects (PDO) and additional Service Data Objects (SDO). Keywordsn/a | DSP641 KiB | 2018-12-20Login |
CiA 422-3-1 version 2.1.0CANopen application profile for municipal vehicles – Part 3-1: Pre-defined TPDOs | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CleANopen embedded body control network of municipal vehicles, e.g. refuse collecting trucks. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). It does not specify CANopen devices. The CleANopen application profile specifications consists of several parts: Part 1 provides the general definitions, Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices, Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs and SDOs, Part 4 specifies the application objects. This sub-part of part 3 specifies the communication and mapping parameter sets of the pre-defined TPDOs. Keywordsn/a | DSP4.2 MiB | 2018-12-20Login |
CiA 422-3-2 version 2.1.0CANopen application profile for municipal vehicles – Part 3-2: Pre-defined RPDOs | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CleANopen embedded body control network of municipal vehicles, e.g. refuse collecting trucks. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). It does not specify CANopen devices. The CleANopen application profile specifications consists of several parts: Part 1 provides the general definitions, Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices, Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs and SDOs, Part 4 specifies the application objects. This sub-part of part 3 specifies the communication and mapping parameter sets of the predefined RPDOs Keywordsn/a | DSP3.8 MiB | 2018-12-20Login |
CiA 422-3-3 version 2.1.0CANopen application profile for municipal vehicles – Part 3-3: Pre-defined SDOs | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CleANopen embedded body control network of municipal vehicles, e.g. refuse collecting trucks. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). It does not specify CANopen devices. The CleANopen application profile specifications consists of several parts: Part 1 provides the general definitions, Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices, Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs and SDOs, Part 4 specifies the application objects. This sub-part of part 3 specifies the pre-defined additional SDO clients and servers. Keywordsn/a | DSP644 KiB | 2018-12-20Login |
CiA 422-4 version 2.1.0CANopen application profile for municipal vehicles – Part 4: Application objects | DescriptionThis set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CleANopen embedded body control network of municipal vehicles, e.g. refuse collecting trucks. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). It does not specify CANopen devices. The CleANopen application profile specifications consists of several parts: Part 1 provides the general definitions, Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices, Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs and SDOs, Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part specifies the values and value range attribute of the application objects. It specifies also the object and data type attributes of the application objects. Keywordsn/a | DSP2.2 MiB | 2018-12-20Login |
CiA 423-1 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis CANopen application profile defines the communication between virtual devices within a rail vehicle power drive system. The power drive system shall be connected via a gateway device to the logical CANopen-based train vehicle control network as defined in CiA 421. The set of specifications is organized as follows: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Traction controller, Part 3: Diesel engine control unit, Part 4: Transmission control unit, Part 5: Speed sensor unit, Part 6: Diesel engine safety control unit, Part 7: Diesel engine signal control unit, Part 8: Clutch control unit, Part 9: Gear control unit, Part 10: Particle filter control unit, Part 11: Starter unit, Part 12: Oil refill tank unit. Devices compliant to this application profile uses communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CiA Draft Standard 301. Keywordsn/a | DSP156 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 423-2 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems - Part 2: Traction controller | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicles power drive systems describes the traction controller. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.3 MiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 423-3 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems - Part 3: Diesel engine control unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems describes the diesel engine control unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.0 MiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 423-4 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems - Part 4: Transmission control unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems describes the transmission control unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP413 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 423-5 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicles power drive systems - Part 5: Diesel engine safety control unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems describes the diesel engine safety control unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP313 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 423-6 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems - Part 6: Speed sensor unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems describes the speed sensor unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP284 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 423-7 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems - Part 7: Diesel engine signal unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems describes the diesel engine signal unit. The diesel engine signal unit is the measuring unit, required for diesel engine control and monitoring. Keywordsn/a | DSP628 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 423-10 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems - Part 10: Particle filters control unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems describes the particle filters control unit. In addition this document describes the objects, required for controlling the selective catalytic reduction unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP508 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 423-11 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems - Part 11: Starter unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems describes the starter unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP242 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 423-12 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems Part - 12: Oil refill unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle power drive systems describes the oil refill unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP283 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 424-1 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle door control systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis CANopen application profile defines the communication between virtual devices within a rail vehicle door control system. The rail vehicle door control system may be connected via a gateway device to the logical CANopen-based rail vehicle in-vehicle network. Keywordsn/a | DSP353 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 424-2 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle door control systems - Part 2: Door controller | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile rail vehicle door control system describes the rail door controller. Keywordsn/a | DSP441 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 424-3 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle door control systems - Part 3: Door unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle door control systems describes the door unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP470 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 425-1 version 2.1.0CANopen application profile for medical diagnostic add-on modules – Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for medical diagnostic add-on modules includes several parts: Part 1 describes general definitions. Part 2 defines the profile for injector devices. Devices compliant to these profiles use communication techniques, which conforms to those described in the CANopen application layer and communication profile (CiA 301). In addition, medical devices and sub-systems may use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CANopen additional application layer functions specification (CiA 302). These specifications should be consulted in parallel to these device profile specifications. Keywordsn/a | DS447 KiB | 2011-06-03Login |
CiA 425-2 version 2.2.0CANopen application profile for medical diagnostic add-on modules – Part 2: Injector | DescriptionThis profile specifies the CANopen device profile for injector interface units. This profile covers injectors connected to a medical diagnostic system (angiography, computer tomography, and other medical diagnostic devices), which provide CANopen Manager functionality. If a safety-related communication is required, the injector device shall be compliant to the CANopen framework for safety-related communication (CiA 304). A prerequisite for the conformity to this CANopen device profile is conformity with the CANopen communication profile (CiA 301). Additionally, in the case that the module is programmable it shall conform to the framework for programmable CANopen devices (CiA 302). These specifications should be consulted in parallel to this device profile specification. Keywordsn/a | DS1.6 MiB | 2011-06-03Login |
CiA 425-2 version 2.4.0CANopen application profile for medical diagnostic add-on modules – Part 2: Injector | DescriptionThis profile specifies the CANopen device profile for injector interface units. This profile covers injectors connected to a medical diagnostic system (angiography, computer tomography, and other medical diagnostic devices), which provide CANopen Manager functionality. If a safety-related communication is required, the injector device is compliant to the CANopen framework for safety-related communication (EN 50325-5). The definition of SRDOs (safety-related data objects) is not in the scope of this document. A prerequisite for the conformity to this CANopen device profile is conformity with the CANopen communication profile (CiA 301). Additionally, in the case that the module is programmable it shall conform to the framework for programmable CANopen devices (CiA 302). These specifications should be consulted in parallel to this device profile specification. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.8 MiB | 2017-11-17Login |
CiA 425-2 version 2.2.0 CANopen application profile for medical diagnostic add-on modules Part 2: Injector (Corrigendum 1) | Descriptionn/a Keywordsn/a | DS157 KiB | 2012-05-02Login |
CiA 426-1 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle exterior lighting control - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis CANopen application profile defines the communication between virtual devices within a rail vehicle exterior lighting control system. The exterior lighting controller is optionally connected via a gateway device to the logical CANopen-based train vehicle control network as defined in CiA 421. The set of specifications is organized as follows: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Exterior lighting controller (ELC), Part 3: Exterior lighting unit (ELU). Devices compliant to this application profile uses communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CiA Draft Standard 301. Keywordsn/a | DSP364 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 426-2 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle exterior lighting control - Part 2: Exterior lighting controller | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile rail vehicle exterior lighting describes the exterior lighting controller. Keywordsn/a | DSP429 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 426-3 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle exterior lighting control - Part 3: Exterior lighting unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle exterior lighting describes the exterior lighting unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP440 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 430-1 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis CANopen application profile defines the communication between virtual devices within a rail vehicle auxiliary operating system. The auxiliary operating system shall be connected via a gateway device to the logical CANopen-based train vehicle control network as defined in /CiA421/. The set of specifications is organized as follows: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Auxiliary operating system controller, Part 3: Power train cooling unit, Part 4: Coolant expansion tank unit, Part 5: Power train cooling fan control unit, Part 6: Engine pre-heating unit, Part 7: Hydrostatic signal interface unit, Part 8: Battery charger unit, Part 9: Generator unit. Devices compliant to this application profile uses communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CiA Draft Standard 301. Keywordsn/a | DSP241 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 430-2 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems - Part 2: Auxiliary operating system controller | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems describes the auxiliary operating system controller. Keywordsn/a | DSP495 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 430-3 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems - Part 3: Power train cooling control unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems describes the power train cooling control unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP366 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 430-4 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems - Part 4: Coolant expansion tank unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems describes the coolant expansion tank unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP267 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 430-5 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems - Part 5: Power train cooling fan control unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile railway auxiliary operating system describes the power train cooling fan control unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP294 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 430-6 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems - Part 6: Engine pre-heating unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems describes the engine pre-heating unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP304 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 430-7 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems - Part 7: Hydrostatic signal unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems describes the hydrostatic signal interface unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP317 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 430-9 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle auxiliary operating systems - Part 9: Generator unit | DescriptionThis virtual device describes the generator unit, which is a part of the rail vehicle auxiliary operating system. Keywordsn/a | DSP268 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 433-1 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle interior lighting control - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis CANopen application profile defines the communication between virtual devices within a rail vehicle interior lighting control system. The interior lighting controller is optionally connected via a gateway device to the logical CANopen-based train vehicle control network as defined in CiA 421. The set of specifications is organized as follows: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Interior lighting controller (ILC), Part 3: Interior lighting unit (ILU). Devices compliant to this application profile uses communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CiA Draft Standard 301. Keywordsn/a | DSP213 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 433-2 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle interior lighting control - Part 2: Lighting controller | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle interior lighting control describes the interior lighting controller. Keywordsn/a | DSP324 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 433-3 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for rail vehicle interior lighting control - Part 3: Lighting unit | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen application profile for rail vehicle interior lighting control describes the interior lighting unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP343 KiB | 2006-08-18Login |
CiA 434-1 version 2.0.0CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis set of device profiles for laboratory automation systems describes a commander/responder-based communication between a laboratory automation controller (LAC) and several laboratory automation unit(s) (LAU). In addition to the general system structure, this part of CiA 434 defines a finite state machine (FSA) that is supported by all laboratory units, following the specification CiA 434. In addition, this part specifies two predefined control structures for laboratory units. On the one hand, the laboratory automation controller can control the laboratory units via single operating commands. On the other hand this part provides a generic structure for a “pre-configurable work plan” that enables a quasi-autonomous laboratory unit operation, which is monitored by the laboratory controller. The set of CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems includes several parts: Part 1 describes general definitions, Part 2 defines the device profile for dilutor/dispenser/pump units, Part 3 defines the heating, cooling and shaking unit, Part 4 defines the device profile for pipette control units, Part 5 defines the device profile for multi axis control units, Part 6 defines the device profile for drive units, Part 7 defines the device profile for washing units, Part 8 defines the device profile for centrifuge units, Part 9 defines the device profile for stacker units, Part 10 defines the device profile for detection units. Devices compliant to these profiles use communication techniques, which conform to those defined in the CANopen application layer and communication profile (CiA 301). In addition, they may use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the set of specifications for additional application layer functions (CiA 302). These specifications should be consulted in parallel to these device profile specifications. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.1 MiB | 2009-04-22Login |
CiA 434-2 version 1.0.0CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems - Part 2: Dilutor, dispenser, and pump units | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems defines the CANopen interface for dilutor, dispenser and pump units. Based on the definitions given in CiA 434-1, this CANopen device profile specifies commands as well as parameters relevant for controlling dilutor, dispenser and pump units that are part of an automated laboratory system. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.1 MiB | 2010-06-30Login |
CiA 434-3 version 1.0.0CANopen profiles for laboratory automation systems - Part 3: Heating, cooling, and shaking units | DescriptionThis part of the CANopen device profiles for laboratory automation systems specifies the heating, cooling and shaking unit. Keywordsn/a | DSP531 KiB | 2010-06-30Login |
CiA 436-1 version 1.1.0CANopen application profile for construction machines - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis application profile provides general definition as well as recommendations for using CANopen control networks on construction machineries. In addition, this application profile introduces the virtual control architecture on construction machineries, integrating the engine control system, the drivers’ desk, the sensor control system, the transmission control system, the fleet management control system as well as the control system for the superstructure respectively implement. Keywordsn/a | DSP530 KiB | 2010-06-30Login |
CiA 437-1 version 1.1.0CANopen application profile for grid-based photovoltaic systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis document specifies the CAN-related physical layer, the general system architecture, and some common CiA 301 communication parameter objects. It also defines, which process data and parameters are used by the virtual devices specified for grid-based photovoltaic systems Keywordsn/a | DSP784 KiB | 2024-01-09Login |
CiA 437-2 version 1.1.0CANopen application profile for grid-based photovoltaic systems - Part 2: Pre-defined communication objects | DescriptionThis document specifies default communication objects and general communication
parameters for CANopen devices in grid-based photovoltaic systems. Keywordsn/a | DSP305 KiB | 2024-01-09Login |
CiA 437-3 version 2.0.1CANopen application profile for grid-based photovoltaic systems - Part 3: Profile data objects | DescriptionThis document specifies in detail the process data and parameters of the virtual devices defined for use in grid-based photovoltaic systems. Keywordsn/a | DSP4.0 MiB | 2024-02-27Login |
CiA 442 version 1.1.0CANopen profile for IEC 61915-2 compatible motor starters | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen profile for a sub-section of low-voltage switchgear
devices: motor starters, soft starters, and motor management starters. The specification is
functional compatible with the international standard IEC 61915-2 Keywordsn/a | DS495 KiB | 2022-05-02Login |
CiA 443 version 4.0.0CANopen profile for SIIS level-2 devices | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen interface for SIIS level-2 devices. This includes instruments and actuators for subsea measurement systems. The specification of the SIIS level-2 application manager is not in the scope of this document. Keywordsn/a | DSP2.5 MiB | 2022-11-18Login |
CiA 444-1 version 2.0.2CANopen profiles for container-handling machine add-on devices - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis document specifies the physical layer, and some general CANopen communication parameter objects. Keywordsn/a | DS276 KiB | 2022-05-02Login |
CiA 444-2 version 2.0.1CANopen profiles for container-handling machine add-on devices - Part 2: Spreader for crane | DescriptionThis document specifies the device profile for crane spreaders including process data and process data objects. Keywordsn/a | DS1.0 MiB | 2022-05-02Login |
CiA 444-3 version 2.0.1CANopen profile for container-handling machine add-on devices - Part 3: Spreader for straddle carrier | DescriptionThis document specifies the device profile for straddle carrier spreaders including process data and process data objects. Keywordsn/a | DS1.0 MiB | 2022-04-12Login |
CiA 445 version 1.1.0CANopen device profile for RFID devices | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen interface for simple and sophisticated radio frequency identification (RFID) devices. This includes the specification of the physical layer, the data link layer, and the application layer as well as the specification of process data, configuration parameters, and diagnostic information. This includes commands and possibilities to control an RFID reader via the CANopen network. Keywordsn/a | DS1.3 MiB | 2022-04-29Login |
CiA 446 version 1.0.0CANopen device profile for AS-Interface gateways | DescriptionThis profile defines the CANopen interface for gateways connecting AS-Interface circuits. One single CANopen logical device supports up to two AS-Interface circuits. The gateway implements AS-Interface master functionality. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.2 MiB | 2006-11-06Login |
CiA 447-1 version 2.1.0CANopen application profile for special-purpose car add-on devices - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThis CANopen application profile specifies the CAN physical layer as well as application, configuration and diagnostic parameters for the add-on devices used in special-purpose passenger cars such as taximeter, roof bar, etc. The specification comprises the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Virtual device definition, Part 3: Detailed process data specification, Part 4: Pre-defined CAN-IDs and communication objects. This part defines the physical layer, the general system architecture, and some common communication parameter objects. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.2 MiB | 2015-12-14Login |
CiA 447-2 version 2.1.3CANopen application profile for special-purpose car add-on devices - Part 2: Virtual device definitions | DescriptionThis CANopen application profile specifies the physical layer as well as application, configuration and diagnostic parameters for the add-on devices used in special-purpose passenger cars such as taximeter, roof bar, etc. The specification comprises the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Virtual device definition, Part 3: Detailed process data specification, Part 4: Pre-defined CAN-IDs and communication objects. This part defines the virtual devices. It also defines, which process data and parameters are used by the virtual devices. Keywordsn/a | DSP431 KiB | 2018-09-07Login |
CiA 447-3 version 2.1.3CANopen application profile for special-purpose car add-on devices - Part 3: Application data objects | DescriptionThis CANopen application profile specifies the physical layer as well as application, configuration and diagnostic parameters for the add-on devices used in special-purpose passenger cars such as taximeter, roof bar, etc. The specification comprises the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Virtual device definition, Part 3: Detailed process data specification, Part 4: Pre-defined CAN-IDs and communication objects. This part specifies in detail the process data and parameters of the virtual devices. Keywordsn/a | DSP4.1 MiB | 2018-09-07Login |
CiA 447-4 version 2.1.0CANopen application profile for special-purpose car add-on devices - Part 4: Pre-defined CAN-IDs and communication objects | DescriptionThis CANopen application profile specifies the CAN physical layer as well as application, configuration and diagnostic parameters for the add-on devices used in special-purpose passenger cars such as taximeter, roof bar, etc. The specification comprises the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Virtual device definition, Part 3: Detailed process data specification, Part 4: Pre-defined CAN-IDs and communication objects. This part specifies the pre-defined CAN-IDs and communication objects. Keywordsn/a | DSP490 KiB | 2015-12-14Login |
CiA 447-5 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for special-purpose car add-on devices - Part 5: Conformance test plan | DescriptionThis document specifies the application profile specific tests for CiA 447 devices. The tests include: Electronic data sheet-based verification of object dictionary entries; Application profile specific tests for power management, Layer Settings Services and Network Management States; Dynamic tests covering message timings and stress tests; Integration tests based on post analysis of trace recordings; Virtual device specific function tests. The document also references the test cases specified in the CiA 310 CANopen conformance test plan. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.9 MiB | 2017-01-13Login |
CiA 450 version 1.0.1CANopen device profile for pumps | DescriptionThis profile specifies the CANopen interfaces for pump devices. The specification is based on the bus-independent profile developed by VDMA (German association of machine builders). It specifies interfaces for the following pump types: Generic pump, Liquid pump. The VDMA profile for vacuum and liquid pumps should be consulted in parallel with this profile. Keywordsn/a | DS3.7 MiB | 2022-07-22Login |
CiA 452 version 1.1.0CANopen device profile for PLCopen motion control | DescriptionThis document specifies the classic CANopen interface controlling PLCopen drives by means of one RPDO (receive process data object) and one TPDO (transmit process data object). This includes the parameter (objects) used for PLCopen-specific modes supporting gear, jog, and camming functions. Objects specified in IEC 61800-7-201 are referenced in the Annex A. Keywordsn/a | DS828 KiB | 2022-08-10Login |
CiA 453 version 2.0.0CANopen device profile for power supplies | DescriptionThis CiA profile specification is suitable for programmable and non-programmable power- supply devices with single or multiple outputs that are voltage-, current-, or power-controlled. It is intended for CANopen communication interfaces of AC/AC, DC/DC, AC/DC, and DC/AC converters. Keywordsn/a | DS2.1 MiB | 2022-02-09Login |
CiA 454-1 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 1: General definitions | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for EMSs specifies the communication interface for all virtual devices that may take part in energy management control application. Such energy management control applications may be implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles, robots, offshore parks, isolated farms, etc. The CANopen application profile for EMSs consists of the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Pre-defined communication parameters and general application objects, Part 3: Pre-defined PDO communication, Part 4: EMS controller, Part 5: Voltage converter unit, Part 6: Battery pack, Part 7: Motor control unit (under development), Part 8: Load monitoring unit (under development), Part 9: HMI unit (under development), Part 10: Security unit (under development), Part 11: Sensor unit (under development), Part 12: Gateway unit (under development), Part 13: Generator unit, Part 14: Load unit. This document represents the part 1 of the CANopen application profile for EMSs. Part 1 provides the general concept of the EMS. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.5 MiB | 2014-06-17Login |
CiA 454-2 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 2: Pre-defined communication parameters and general application objects | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for EMSs specifies the communication interface for all virtual devices that may take part in energy management control application. Such energy management control applications may be implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles, robots, offshore parks, isolated farms, etc. The CANopen application profile for EMSs consists of the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Pre-defined communication parameters and general application objects, Part 3: Pre-defined PDO communication, Part 4: EMS controller, Part 5: Voltage converter unit, Part 6: Battery pack, Part 7: Motor control unit (under development), Part 8: Load monitoring unit (under development), Part 9: HMI unit (under development), Part 10: Security unit (under development), Part 11: Sensor unit (under development), Part 12: Gateway unit (under development), Part 13: Generator unit, Part 14: Load unit. This document represents the part 2 of the CANopen application profile for EMSs. Part 2 provides additional specifications with regard to the pre-defined communication objects as well as the general communication objects. Keywordsn/a | DSP2.0 MiB | 2014-06-17Login |
CiA 454-3 version 3.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 3: PDO communication | DescriptionThis document specifies the PDO communication and mapping parameters. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.0 MiB | 2021-04-06Login |
CiA 454-4 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 4: EnergyBus controller | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for EMSs specifies the communication interface for all virtual devices that may take part in energy management control application. Such energy management control applications may be implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles, robots, offshore parks, isolated farms, etc. The CANopen application profile for EMSs consists of the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Pre-defined communication parameters and general application objects, Part 3: Pre-defined PDO communication, Part 4: EMS controller, Part 5: Voltage converter unit, Part 6: Battery pack, Part 7: Motor control unit (under development), Part 8: Load monitoring unit (under development), Part 9: HMI unit (under development), Part 10: Security unit (under development), Part 11: Sensor unit (under development), Part 12: Gateway unit (under development), Part 13: Generator unit, Part 14: Load unit. This document represents the part 3 of the CANopen application profile for EMSs. Part 3 specifies the application objects provided by the virtual device Energy management system controller (EBC). Keywordsn/a | DSP337 KiB | 2014-06-17Login |
CiA 454-5 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 5: Voltage converter | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for EMSs specifies the communication interface for all virtual devices that may take part in energy management control application. Such energy management control applications may be implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles, robots, offshore parks, isolated farms, etc. The CANopen application profile for EMSs consists of the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Pre-defined communication parameters and general application objects, Part 3: Pre-defined PDO communication, Part 4: EMS controller, Part 5: Voltage converter unit, Part 6: Battery pack, Part 7: Motor control unit (under development), Part 8: Load monitoring unit (under development), Part 9: HMI unit (under development), Part 10: Security unit (under development), Part 11: Sensor unit (under development), Part 12: Gateway unit (under development), Part 13: Generator unit, Part 14: Load unit. This document represents the part 5 of the CANopen application profile for EMSs. Part 5 provides application objects provided by the AC-DC converter. The AC-DC converter may be implemented to realize a battery charger or a charger station. Keywordsn/a | DSP2.0 MiB | 2014-06-17Login |
CiA 454-6 version 2.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 6: Battery pack | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for EMSs specifies the communication interface for all virtual devices that may take part in energy management control application. Such energy management control applications may be implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles, robots, offshore parks, isolated farms, etc. The CANopen application profile for EMSs consists of the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Pre-defined communication parameters and general application objects, Part 3: Pre-defined PDO communication, Part 4: EMS controller, Part 5: Voltage converter unit, Part 6: Battery pack, Part 7: Motor control unit (under development), Part 8: Load monitoring unit (under development), Part 9: HMI unit (under development), Part 10: Security unit (under development), Part 11: Sensor unit (under development), Part 12: Gateway unit (under development), Part 13: Generator unit, Part 14: Load unit. This document represents the part 6 of the CANopen application profile for EMSs. Part 6 of the document specifies application objects provided by the battery pack. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.3 MiB | 2014-06-17Login |
CiA 454-7 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 7: Drive control unit | DescriptionThis document specifies application objects provided by the drive control unit, as typically utilized in light electric vehicles. Keywordsn/a | DSP665 KiB | 2021-04-06Login |
CiA 454-9 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 9: HMI unit | DescriptionThis document specifies application objects provided or indicated by human machine interface units, as typically utilized in light electric vehicles. This comprises human machine interface units, managing data for signalling, travelling, battery systems, inputs for energy management user condition and state, motion and diagnostics. Keywordsn/a | DSP283 KiB | 2021-04-06Login |
CiA 454-13 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 13: Generator unit | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for EMSs specifies the communication interface for all virtual devices that may take part in energy management control application. Such energy management control applications may be implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles, robots, offshore parks, isolated farms, etc. The CANopen application profile for EMSs consists of the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Pre-defined communication parameters and general application objects, Part 3: Pre-defined PDO communication, Part 4: EMS controller, Part 5: Voltage converter unit, Part 6: Battery pack, Part 7: Motor control unit (under development), Part 8: Load monitoring unit (under development), Part 9: HMI unit (under development), Part 10: Security unit (under development), Part 11: Sensor unit (under development), Part 12: Gateway unit (under development), Part 13: Generator unit, Part 14: Load unit. This document represents the part 13 of the CANopen application profile for EMSs. Part 13 of the document specifies generator units such as a diesel engine, photovoltaic generator, winds turbine, etc. Generators shall be divided into two classes: Controllable and stochastic generator. Keywordsn/a | DSP533 KiB | 2014-06-17Login |
CiA 454-14 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for energy management systems - Part 14: Load unit | DescriptionThe CANopen application profile for EMSs specifies the communication interface for all virtual devices that may take part in energy management control application. Such energy management control applications may be implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles, robots, offshore parks, isolated farms, etc. The CANopen application profile for EMSs consists of the following parts: Part 1: General definitions, Part 2: Pre-defined communication parameters and general application objects, Part 3: Pre-defined PDO communication, Part 4: EMS controller, Part 5: Voltage converter unit, Part 6: Battery pack, Part 7: Motor control unit (under development), Part 8: Load monitoring unit (under development), Part 9: HMI unit (under development), Part 10: Security unit (under development), Part 11: Sensor unit (under development), Part 12: Gateway unit (under development), Part 13: Generator unit, Part 14: Load unit. This document represents the part 14 of the CANopen application profile for EMSs. Part 14 of the document specifies load units such as lighting, electrical motor, radio, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. Loads shall be divided into three classes: controllable loads, influenceable loads and non-controllable loads. Keywordsn/a | DSP453 KiB | 2014-06-17Login |
CiA 455 version 1.0.0CANopen application profile for drilling machines | DescriptionThis specification describes the control application for drilling machines with special regard on positioning and tool control. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.7 MiB | 2010-06-30Login |
CiA 456 version 1.0.0CANopen interface profile for configurable network components | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen interface for configurable network components that provide CAN bridge functionality and have up to 16 CAN ports including one configurable CANopen port. Via this CANopen port, the CAN message routing between the remaining 15 CAN ports of such a device is configured. The properties of the higher layer protocols that are running on these 15 CAN ports are not in the scope of this specification. For such applications other specifications may apply and may be combined with this profile. Keywordsn/a | DSP457 KiB | 2012-07-11Login |
CiA 457 version 1.1.0CANopen interface profile wireless transmission | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen interface profile for devices providing a gateway function to wireless transmission media ports.
Keywordsn/a | DS728 KiB | 2022-08-09Login |
CiA 458 version 1.0.1CANopen device profile for energy measurements | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen interface for energy measuring devices. This includes energy consumption as well as energy production, in particular for energy recovering. Keywordsn/a | DS780 KiB | 2022-05-19Login |
CiA 459-1 version 1.0.1CANopen profile for on-board weighing devices - Part 1: General specification and functional overview | DescriptionThis document provides general definitions and specifies the data link and the physical layer interface for on-board weighing devices. Additionally, it specifies the CANopen application layer functionality. It also describes the device’s operational principles and defines device classes. Keywordsn/a | DS510 KiB | 2022-08-09Login |
CiA 459-2 version 1.0.1CANopen profile for on-board weighing devices - Part 2: Communication parameters | DescriptionThis document specifies the mandatory and recommended communication parameters, as well as the parameter sets for the PDO communication. Keywordsn/a | DS249 KiB | 2022-08-09Login |
CiA 459-3 version 1.0.1CANopen profile for on-board weighing devices - Part 3: Application data objects | DescriptionThis document specifies the application parameters (process, diagnostic, and configuration data) of the on-board weighing devices. It also specifies profile-specific data types. Keywordsn/a | DS1.0 MiB | 2022-08-09Login |
CiA 460 version 1.0.0CANopen profile for service robot control systems | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen interface of a service robot controller device, which is compliant to the Robotic technology component (RTC) specification. The profile specifies the NMT master application and its object dictionary with NMT master parameter as well as CANopen device proxies representing the connected CANopen devices in the service robot controller device. Keywordsn/a | DSP321 KiB | 2012-02-10Login |
CiA 462 version 1.1.0CANopen profile for item detection devices | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen interface for devices that identify existence, dimension, orientation, or movement of items in their environment (e.g. optical camera (2D or 3D), laser device). Often those devices are called vision sensors or object detection devices. Keywordsn/a | DS1.7 MiB | 2023-06-27Login |
CiA 463-B version 1.0.0Device profile for IO-Link gateway - Part B: Functional behavior and parameters | DescriptionThis document specifies operating principles and the application data for IO-Link interface devices. This includes the functional behavior and general specifications of the application parameters. Keywordsn/a | DS719 KiB | 2019-06-27Login |
CiA 463-C version 1.0.0Device profile for IO-Link gateway - Part C: CANopen mapping | DescriptionThis document specifies the mapping of the IO-Link gateways to CANopen. This includes the specifications of the Classic CAN physical layer, data link layer, and the Classic CANopen communication parameters. Keywordsn/a | DS354 KiB | 2019-06-27Login |
CiA 463-F version 1.0.0Device profile for IO-Link gateway — Part F: CANopen FD mapping | DescriptionThis document specifies the mapping of the IO-Link gateways to CANopen FD. This includes the specifications of the CAN FD physical layer, data link layer, and the CANopen FD communication parameters. Keywordsn/a | DS335 KiB | 2019-06-26Login |
CiA 510 version 1.1.1J1939 parameter groups for SDO and EMCY | DescriptionThis document specifies the mapping of CANopen application layer protocols to J1939 parameter groups. This includes, in particular, the mapping of SDO (service data object) client and SDO server protocols. Additionally, this document specifies the mapping of the EMCY (emergency) protocol. The mapping of CANopen profile-specific PDOs is not in the scope of this document. Keywordsn/a | DS178 KiB | 2022-10-17Login |
CiA 601-3 version 1.0.0CAN FD node and system design - Part 3: System design recommendations, CAN FD bit-timing configuration and evaluation tool, version 1.0 as an attachment to the CiA 601-3 v. 1.0.0 | DescriptionThis set of documents recommends the usage of CAN FD hardware implementations. It consist of the following parts: Part 1: Physical interface implementation, Part 2: CAN controller interface specification, Part 3: System design recommendation, Part 4: Signal improvement. This part provides recommendations for CAN FD network design, especially, bit-timing setting rules and guidelines are given. This part also includes the spreadsheet that helps to perform the CAN clock tolerance calculation, the bit-timing evaluation and optimization, the bit asymmetries calculation, and the evaluation of the robustness. Keywordsn/a | TR682 KiB | 2021-03-08Login |
CiA 601-1 version 2.0.0CAN FD node and system design - Part 1: Physical interface implementation | DescriptionThis set of documents specifies and recommends the usage of CAN FD hardware implementations. It consists of the following parts: Part 1: Physical interface implementation, Part 2: Controller interface specification, Part 3: System design recommendation, Part 4: Ringing suppression. This part provides specifications and guidelines on the physical layer interface design for automotive electronic control units and non-automotive devices supporting the CAN FD data link layer as defined in ISO 11898-1 and the CAN high-speed physical layer as defined in the harmonized ISO 11898-2 standard, which includes the specification of high-speed transceivers with low-power mode (formerly known as ISO 11898-5) and/or with selective wake-up functionality (formerly known as ISO 11898-6). Keywordsn/a | TR815 KiB | 2021-03-08Login |
CiA 601-2 version 1.0.0CAN FD node and system design - Part 2: Protocol controller interface | DescriptionThis set of documents specifies and recommends the usage of CAN FD hardware implementations. It consists of the following parts: Part 1: Physical interface implementation, Part 2: Controller interface specification, Part 3: System design recommendation, Part 4: Ringing suppression. This part describes the specified interface between the protocol controller implementing the CAN FD data link layer protocol and the host controller including necessary configuration registers. Such a harmonized interface reduces the effort for adapting the low-level driver software to different implementations. Keywordsn/a | DS479 KiB | 2019-09-06Login |
CiA 601-4 Calculator: arbitration bit rate and propagation delay for CAN FD networks using CAN SIC transceiversAttachment to the CiA 601-4 v. 2.1.0 | DescriptionThis spreadsheet is an attachment to the CiA 610-4 v. 2.1.0. For different combinations of the CAN clock frequency and the oscillator tolerance values, this spreadsheet helps to calculate the values of the longest propagation delay between two nodes. The worst-case scenario is explained in detail in the spreadsheet. Keywordsn/a | DSP82 KiB | 2021-10-07Login |
CiA 601-6 version 1.0.0CAN FD node and system design - Part 6: Cable | DescriptionThis set of documents specifies and recommends the usage of CAN FD hardware implementations. It consists of the following parts: Part 1: Physical interface implementation, Part 2: Controller interface specification, Part 3: System design recommendation, Part 4: Signal improvement, Part 6: CAN FD cable. This part specifies the requirements and test methods of the mechanical and electrical parameters for cables to be used in CAN FD networks. Keywordsn/a | DS227 KiB | 2019-09-06Login |
CiA 603 version 1.1.0CAN network time management | DescriptionThis document specifies the time-stamping, when transmitting and receiving CAN data frames in classical CAN and CAN FD formats. This time synchronization can be used in particular in AUTOSAR environments. Therefore, a link to the AUTOSAR time synchronization is described. Keywordsn/a | DS459 KiB | 2023-09-01Login |
CiA 611-1 version 1.0.0CAN XL higher-layer functions - Part 1: Definition of service data unit types (SDT) | DescriptionThis document specifies the usage of the service data unit type (SDT) field of the CAN XL data link layer. The SDT defines the type of service data mapped to the data field of the CAN XL logical link control (LLC) sub-layer. The service data are provided by the layer using the CAN XL LLC sub-layer. The SDT also defines how management information such as addressing, virtualization, or data size are mapped on dedicated LLC frame fields or how they are mapped into the CAN XL LLC data. Keywordsn/a | DSP269 KiB | 2022-10-12Login |
CiA 801 version 1.0.0CANopen automatic bit-rate detection | DescriptionThis technical report describes the recommended practice and gives application hints for implementing automatic bit-rate detection in CANopen devices. With the Layer Setting Services (LSS) it is possible to change the bit-rate in CANopen networks. However, this mechanism fails in certain situations. Some low-cost devices that do not support LSS at all could also benefit from the recommended automatic bit-rate detection method. This technical report discusses an approach for automatic bit-rate detection in CANopen networks. As introduction the possible solutions to detect an unknown bit-rate for CAN controllers (Software / Hardware) are presented. The technical report will focus on situations where automatic bit-rate detection fails (no traffic on the bus, error frames) and how to avoid these deadlocks. Keywordsn/a | TR334 KiB | 2005-01-01Login |
CiA 802 version 1.1.1Avoiding CAN Remote Frames in CANopen networks | DescriptionThis document provides recommendations for avoiding CAN Remote Frames when using CANopen communication services. Keywordsn/a | TR365 KiB | 2021-05-10Login |
CiA 808 version 1.1.0CiA 444 implementation guideline for CANopen | DescriptionThis documents describes the recommended practice and gives application hints for implementing the connection of crane and spreader compliant with the CiA 444-1 and CiA 444-2 specifications. Keywordsn/a | TR439 KiB | 2021-03-23Login |
CiA 810 version 1.0.0CANopen CiA 434 implementation guideline | DescriptionThis application note recommends and suggests how to implement and handle devices, which are compliant to CiA 434 profile family. The application note discusses the different modes of operation for laboratory automation slaves (LAS), the transfer of the commands to the LAS as well as the handling of the command parameter RAM (CPRAM). The purpose of this application note is to explain the major issues of specification CiA 434 standard part 1. This document is not normative but informative. In case of doubts always the specifications given in CiA 434 apply. Keywordsn/a | TR847 KiB | 2010-03-24Login |
CiA 812 version 1.0.0CiA 457 device use cases | DescriptionThis application note describes use cases CANopen devices support communication capabilities as specified in CiA 315 “CANopen Generic frame for wireless tunnelling of CAN messages and for transfer of diagnostic data”. Keywordsn/a | TR425 KiB | 2011-08-09Login |
CiA 814-1 version 1.0.1CiA 417 implementation and user guidelines - Part 1: Bootloader | DescriptionThis document provides implementation hints for CiA 417’s bootloader (CiA 417 version 2.2.0 and higher). Keywordsn/a | TR378 KiB | 2021-03-23Login |
CiA 850 version 1.0.1CiA 413-based truck gateway for cranes, hookloaders, and areal working platforms | DescriptionThis document recommends how to implement a CiA 413 gateway interface for truck-mounted cranes, multi-lifts, and aerial working platforms. Besides some general recommendations regarding the CANopen interface, it recommends Process Data Objects to be received and to be transmitted. Keywordsn/a | TR783 KiB | 2021-03-23Login |
CiA 852 version 1.0.1CiA 401-based operator environment sub-system | DescriptionThis document recommends how to implement the CANopen interface for operator environments with human-machine interface functionality. It is based on the CiA 401 CANopen profile for generic I/O modules. It recommends how to use the digital and analog process data parameters specified in CiA 401. It also recommends a mapping of these parameters into PDOs. Keywordsn/a | TR650 KiB | 2021-04-03Login |
CiA 890 version 1.0.0Presentation of SI units and prefixes | DescriptionThis document provides recommendation how to represent the international system of units and prefixes in parameter specifications. It recommends also the structure of configuration parameters for SI units and prefixes. Keywordsn/a | TR266 KiB | 2023-01-10Login |
CiA 1301 version 1.1.0CANopen FD application layer and communication profile | DescriptionThis document specifies the CANopen FD application layer and communication profile. This includes the data types, encoding rules, and object dictionary data objects as well as the CANopen FD communication services and protocols. In addition, this document specifies the CANopen FD network management services and protocols. It covers also the mapping to the CAN lower layers (CAN FD data link layer and CAN physical medium attachment options). Keywordsn/a | DSP3.3 MiB | 2023-11-09Login |
CiA 1305 version 1.0.0CANopen FD layer setting services (LSS) and protocols | DescriptionThis document specifies the layer setting services (LSS) and the layer setting protocols for CANopen FD devices. Keywordsn/a | DSP1.0 MiB | 2022-05-11Login |
CiA 1310-1 version 1.0.0CANopen FD conformance test plan - Part 1: CiA 1301-related test cases | DescriptionThis document specifies test cases to proof the conformity of device compliant to the CiA 1301 document. Additional test cases for device profiles are not in the scope of this document. Keywordsn/a | DSP4.9 MiB | 2023-10-02Login |
CiA 1311-1 version 1.0.1CANopen FD electronic device descriptions - Part 1: XML schema definitions for CiA 1301 | DescriptionThis document specifies the XML Schema Definition for the CANopen FD profiles. It is based on ISO 15745-1:2003/Amd 1:2007. Keywordsn/a | DSP869 KiB | 2022-08-15Login |
All public documents developed by CiA members are available for download free of charge, also for non-members. However, during the development process, the documents are normally only accessible for CiA members. CiA technical groups develop all documents. CiA technical secretaries support editing the documents.
CiA specifications contain functional requirements and permissions to be implemented in hardware or software products. This includes normative service and protocol as well as profile descriptions. Typical examples are the CANopen application layer (CiA 301) or the CANopen device profile for generic I/O modules (CiA 401).
CiA recommendations are informative descriptions about preferable solutions. A typical example is the CANopen cable and connector pin-assignment (CiA 106) recommendation.
CiA technical reports comprise recommendations, implementation and user guidelines, application notes, use-case descriptions, etc. A typical example is the CiA 106 connector pin‑assignment recommendation. Another typical example is the CiA 802 application note "Avoiding CAN remote frames in CANopen networks”.
The CiA 461 CANopen profile for weighing devices (Part 1: General definitions and PDOs; Part 2: Load cells; Part 3: Scales; Part 4: Human machine interface and indicators) is existing, but has been withdrawn from the CiA website as the documents are not mature. CiA member companies interested in implementation of the CiA 461 document series should contact secretary(at)
The specifications CiA 604-1 and CiA 610-1 have been integrated into ISO 11898-1. The specifications CiA 601-4 and CiA 610-3 have been integrated into ISO 11898-2.

Historically the CiA specifications were published in hardcopy. The envelopes had different colors. This is why they were nicknamed rainbow specifications. But those days are gone – nowadays, CiA specifications are available in PDF format only.
Comment form for download
If you have multiple comments, you may download the comment form in Word format and fill it out. Please submit your comments by email (as attachment). Of course, we will inform you about the observation by the related CiA technical group as soon as possible. Any comment is submitted to the related CiA technical group and will be considered in the next meeting.
Glossary of terms
CiA provides the glossary of terms to support a common understanding of terms and definitions in the CAN application field.
CiA working groups can refer to these terms. Proposals for missing terms are highly appreciated and can be submitted to secretary(at)

For many years, CiA has been publishing the CANdictionary. It contains brief explanations of CAN-related terms and vocabulary including CAN FD. It is regularly reviewed and updated. Nevertheless, feedback is always welcome.
All CANdictionaries can be downloaded free of charge. Only the English one is available in printed version additionally.
You can order a number of CANdictionaries in printed version (English) at CiA office (headquarters(at) free of charge.
All can be downloaded. Only the English version is available in paper format additionally.