CiA® publications

CiA is following an ambitious cross-media strategy. Information on CAN technology, CAN-related products and services as well as CAN applications is available in CiA’s publications and on the CiA website. All this information is highly hyperlinked.
Because online-media do not come to the users automatically, we send the CAN Community News to subscribers, an email with publication activities of CiA. This guarantees that you are always updated.
CAN Newsletter magazine
The CAN Newsletter magazine (pdf) provides technical articles and application reports for engineers designing CAN products and CAN systems. It also includes overview articles on CAN-related product trends. Side notes provide service information such as abstracts, summaries, links, and brief company or technical background information. The CAN Newsletter magazine is published quarterly. You may download either the complete issue or just the articles, which are of special interest for you, as PDF-file free of charge.
We may point out that we appreciate, if readers provide either the link to the CAN Newsletter or even the PDF-file for download on their own websites.
CAN Community News
This free-of-charge email service provides CAN-related news to the entire CAN community. This includes reports about CiA activities, released CiA documents, available CiA publications, and other topics. The CAN Community News (CCN) is distributed all three weeks.
CiA® Product Guides
The CiA Product Guides list CAN-, CANopen-, and J1939-products, together with their features and worldwide sales contacts. It is also integrated into other CiA publications.