CiA® test center

The CiA test center is the testing facility providing conformity and interoperability testing of CANopen devices. It also performs the CANopen FD device conformance testing, which is obligatory for CANopen FD devices. Additionally, CiA organizes on request, for CiA members, interoperability testing events (so-called CiA plugfests). On these CiA plugfests, the participants check the interoperability of CAN-related devices or components, on any communication layer, in multi-vendor systems.
CANopen device conformance testing
The CANopen device conformance testing is used to assess whether CANopen devices comply with the requirements of the CANopen application layer and communication profile (CiA 301). CiA engineers evaluate the device conformance assessment, using the automated test bench CANopen conformance test tool, developed by a CiA consortium. The CANopen conformance test tool is implemented according to the CANopen conformance test plan (CiA 310-1) and is available free of charge for CiA members. CiA members may use the tool to accompany their device development by testing their devices already in early stages, to verify the correctness of the CANopen implementation. They are enabled to pre-test their devices with the tool before sending the devices for conformance testing by the CiA test center.
The CANopen device conformance testing by CiA is not mandatory, but it provides an independent CANopen product compliancy approval, especially if your customers require it.
CANopen interoperability testing
In addition to the rather static CANopen conformance testing, the CANopen interoperability testing allows detecting issues in dynamic processes such as e.g., timing issues, different interpretations and calls of sequence orders, etc. The CiA CANopen interoperability testing is a kind of system integration testing of CANopen devices. It evaluates whether CANopen devices under test (DUT), can be integrated into a “real” multi-vendor CANopen network. This covers testing the DUT’s functions during device configuration, network start-up as well as system runtime. For this purpose, CiA engineers set up a CANopen network, where several CANopen devices, submitted by CiA members, are managed by a PLC from Schneider Electric (Modicon).
CANopen FD device conformance testing
The CANopen FD device conformance testing is used to assess whether CANopen FD devices comply with the requirements of the CANopen FD application layer and communication profile (CiA 1301). This test is mandatory for CANopen FD devices and can be performed at CiA test center, only. A CANopen FD conformance test tool is under development. Till a CANopen FD conformance test tool is available, CiA office shall do the conformance assessment, by means of the CANopen FD test procedure that is confirmed by the IG CANopen FD and that provides basic elements of the CANopen FD conformance test plan. The CANopen FD test procedure is available.
CiA plugfests
CiA plugfests are interoperability testing events, dedicated for CiA members, to verify the interoperability of their CAN-based devices or components, on any communication layer, in a real multi-vendor system. This covers e.g. testing the interoperability of CANopen devices, designed for specific application fields e.g. controllers, sensors, and actuators designed for lifts (CiA 417). Additionally, this may include testing of CAN-based devices, supporting the same safety, redundancy, or security concept. Furthermore, CiA has already organized interoperability testing for CAN components such as CAN FD controller and transceiver implementations.
There are no stupid questions!
The CiA office provides a CAN hotline service for technical, marketing, and product related questions. You can send your question by email (service(at) or fax (+49-911-928819-79) or you can call us (+49-911-928819-0). Generally, we will answer your request within 24 hours, except on weekends or German holidays. If we need more time to respond to your inquiry, we will inform you.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers. CiA engineers have a good technical background and also some detailed knowledge on CAN technology. If we can't answer your question, perhaps we know someone who can. In the rare case that no answer is available, we will start to investigate jointly with our members to find a solution.