CANopen energy management system profile updated
Registration is open: 17th international CAN Conference with supporting program

CiA specification for Classical CAN and CAN FD
Evaluation of the CAN XL error detection capabilities
CiA technology days 2021 in various languages
CiA board of directors re-elected in 2021

CAN and CANopen seminars in 2021

Postponed conference re-scheduled - The 17th iCC goes online

CANopen Lift and CleANopen profile webinars in February

Harmonized transceiver naming
CAN and CANopen seminars in July
Online technology days on CANopen FD

CiA board of directors re-elected

CAN and CANopen online seminars
Virtual stage for events
CiA technology days
New and updated CiA specifications
Conexpo-CON/AGG 2020
CAN and CANopen in Nuremberg
Editor support
CiA supports all interested editors of publications with technical in-depth articles, application stories, and any other exclusive editorial material. This includes also interviews and background information.
For more details please mail to pr(at) or call +49-911-928819-0.
CiA in the press

- 2023-05-15
3rd CAN XL plugfest connects in Michigan - 2023-05-05
CAN XL at Germany Tradeshow and Beyond - 2023-03-10
CiA Association to Showcase CAN Technology at Germany Tradeshow - March 2023
CAN XL at Germany Tradeshow and Beyond - 2022-09-30
Rückblick und Ausblick CiA e.V.: 30 Jahre CAN in Automation - 2022-09-22
CANopen Profil - Spezifikationen erschienen - 2022-06-30
Beyond automotive: 30 years of CAN CiA - 2022-06-13
CAN in Automation Celebrates 30 Years - June 2022
30 years of CAN in Automation - 2022-05-16
Glückwunsch zu 30 Jahren CiA: CAN bleibt cool! - 2022-04-25
CAN in Straßenfahrzeugen - 2022-04-06
CAN-FD-Light: Commander/Responder-Netzwerk als Alternative - April 2022
Thirty years in the service of the controller area network - April 2022
30-jahre-im-dienst-von-controller-area-network - April 2022
30-jahre-im-dienst-von-controller-area-network/Thirty years in the service of the controller area network - 2022-03-21
30 Jahre im Dienste der CAN-Gemeinschaft - 2022-03-04
Happy 30th anniversary to ‘CAN in Automation (CiA)’ association - March 2022
CAN in Straßen fahrzeugen - 2022-02-21
30 Jahre Controller Area Network – drei CAN-Generationen im Einsatz - 2022-01-24
CAN in Automation celebrates 30 years - 2022-01-22
30 years of CAN in Automation - 2021-12-17
CiA releases 610-1 document as draft specification proposal - 2021-12-10
CiA association releases CiA 610-3 document as draft specification proposal - 2021-12-06
CAN XL Medium Attachment Unit - 2021-12-06
CAN-XL-Medium-Attachment-Unit - 2021-09-29
Das war der Bordnetz Kongress 2021 - 2021-09-22
День технологий CANopen FD 12 октября 2021 года - 2021-09-21
CiA association releases CiA 604-1 CAN FD Light specification - August 2021
Die CAN FD-Light-Spezifikation ist erschienen - 2021-06-01
17. Internationale CAN Konferenz: Vom klassischen CAN über CAN FD bis CAN XL - May 2021
Canopen-Profil für Waagen - 2021-04-22
CANopen profile for weighing devices - 2021-04-21
CiA updates CANopen energy management system profile - 2021-04-01
CiA-Spezifikation für Klassisches CAN und CAN FD - April 2021
CiA-Spezifikation für Gleichtaktdrosseln - 2021-03-10
Innovations drive CAN in Automation - March 2021
Der CAN-BUS und sein Fahrplan - 2021-04-22
CANopen profile for weighing devices - 2021-02-19
Neuer Termin für verschobene Konferenz - February 2021
Novinky z CiA - February 2021
Was bei der Migration von CANopen zu CANopen FD zu beachten ist - 2020-11-24
Electronic description for CANopen FD devices - September 2020
Entwurf von CAN-FD-Netzwerken: Robuste Kommunikation - August 2020
CANopen-Lift: Interoperable Fahrkorbantriebe/CANopen Lift: interoperable car drive units - October 2019
Geräte für die Aufzugssteuerung: modular und skalierbar/Lift control devices: modular and scalable - September 2019
CANopen Lift updated - September 2019
CANopen-Lift-Profil erweitert - 2018-11-21
Die Vorteile von CANopen FD ohne Bitratenumschaltung - 2018-10-12
CANopen FD: Das USDO-Protokoll erlaubt Vollvermaschung - 2018-09-06
CANopen-FD: Bestätigte Broadcast- und Multicast-Kommunikation - 2018-08-13
CANopen FD: Tipps für die Geräte- und Netzwerkauslegung - 2018-07-16
CANopen-Migration zu CANopen FD - 2017-11-08
Feldbustechnik: Die Zukunft von CANopen - 2017-06-01
Kommunikation zwischen Bauteilen (DE) - 2017-01-16
25 Jahre CAN in Automation (DE) - 2017-01-11
CiA celebrates CAN’s 25th anniversary (IL) - 2016-10-26
Process data object re-mapping procedures (US) - 2016-09-30
CANopen im Internet der Dinge (DE) - 2016-05-21
Optional parameters for CANopen provide additional support (US) - February 2016
Optional parameters for CANopen provide additional support (IN) - 2015-11-02
CAN FD: From theory to practice (US) - 2015-08-06
CAN FD node and system design … (IR) - 2015-08-06
CiA publiceert DSP CiA 601 (NL) - 2015-07-21
Rise of service robots … (US) - 2015-06-01
CAN FD: CAN do better (GB) - 2015-05-27
CANopen FD wird schneller (DE) - 2015-05-07
CAN FD: Interview (CN) - 2015-03-16
CiA hat neuen Vorstand gewählt (DE)