International CAN Conference: Program and exhibition

The program covers topics related to all three CAN generations: CAN CC (classic), CAN FD (flexible data rate), and CAN XL (extended data-field length) with a special focus on the CAN XL ecosystem. The keynote by Marko Moch from Cariad is titled “From FlexRay to CAN-XL: Migrating real-time high-performance networks into the future”. The other 21 presentations are grouped in seven sessions. Presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The complete iCC program is available online.
The conference sponsored by esd electronics and Vector is accompanied by a tabletop exhibition. In the first evening a diner is planned. This gives the attendees an additional opportunity for social networking. Registration for participants and tabletop exhibition is possible by email to conferences(at) as long as there are enough places available.