Several CiA profiles improved and updated

CiA profiles specify parameters for devices with CAN interfaces. Additionally, the specifications provide mappings to CANopen CC (classic) and optional to CANopen FD (for I/O devices and inclinometers) or to J1939 (only for inclinometers).
CiA has developed more than one 100 profile specifications. They feature off-the-shelf plug-and-play capability, which simplifies system integration. By means of configuration, the user can enable optional functionality. The CiA 401 specification series is one of the most implemented CiA profiles. It covers modular I/O devices as well as dedicated I/O interfaces such as for joysticks. The CiA 402 profile is specified in IEC the 61800-7-201/301 standard series. It covers frequency inverters, servo controllers, and stepper motors. The new CiA 402 version supports 64-bit parameters and some additional homing modes.
The CiA 401 and the CiA 410 series have been restructured. The Part B specifies the process parameters and the associated configuration parameters. Part C describes the mapping to CANopen CC application layer (CiA 301), and Part F provides the mapping to CANopen FD application layer (CiA 1301). The CiA 410-J specification contains the mapping to the J1939 application layer, often used in commercial vehicles. CiA plans to develop the CiA 401-J document specifying a joystick parameter mapping to J1939. The CiA 437 application profile covers all interfaces for CANopen CC devices used in photovoltaic systems. This document series has been improved only editorially.
CiA members can download all CiA documents. Non-members can subscribe to download certain CiA specifications. Some CiA documents are available free of charge. CANopen CC is one of the most implemented communication technologies in embedded control applications. The CiA 402 specification series is the market-leading profile for drives and motion controllers. It has been also adapted by several non-CAN communication systems.