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No. 6 - April 19, 2024
A word from the CiA Managing Director

The Embedded World tradeshow is an early indicator of the annual CAN business. It shows trends and new opportunities. On the CiA booth, NXP, STM, and Vector presented running CAN XL networks. But CAN XL was not the dominating topic of the exhibition. Artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity were the more attraction catching topics.
Nevertheless, there were news on CAN XL: Green Hills Software introduced RTOS (real-time operating system) software support for the Aurix MCU family by Infineon coming with CAN XL interfaces. Microsys launched an interface module with two CAN XL and 16 CAN FD ports based on an NXP microcontroller, currently available in engineering sample. Peak and DCD showed prototypes of their CAN XL core implementations. Both companies plan to come to the next CAN XL plugfest organized by CiA in Baden-Baden one day after the iCC conference. Cast exhibited the CAN XL IP core by Fraunhofer on its booth and reported a high interest in CAN XL associated with CANsec, which is still under development.
Most inquiries and discussions on the CiA booth were related to CAN FD, functional safety, and cybersecurity. CANopen FD was another frequently mentioned topic. In general, CiA had less leads compared with last year. But our members reported an increasing number of visitors with dedicated projects in mind. This means, the CAN business is still increasing and CiA expects growing CAN markets.
As usual, CiA had scheduled its regular general assembly in the same week as the Embedded World tradeshow. The CiA community re-elected its board of directors (Christian Schlegel as Business Director, Magnus Hell from Infineon as Technical Director, and Holger Zeltwanger as Managing Director). Elected members of the CiA Business Committee (BC) are Emotas, ESD, Microcontrol, Murata, and Vector. The CiA Technical Committee (TC) members are Bosch, Emotas, ESD, Kvaser, Microcontrol, and Murata. The CiA budget was accepted as proposed by the BC. The CiA general assembly also ratified the updated CiA rules and regulations, describing the tasks and duties of CiA groups. They are so to speak the rules of procedure.

18th iCC: Early-bird rate expired
On April 13, the early-bird rate for the 18th international CAN Conference (iCC) has expired. Nevertheless, it is still possible to register for the 2-day event scheduled on May 14 and 15, 2024, which is sponsored by esd electronics and Vector. The conference takes place in Baden-Baden, Germany. One of the main topics is the CAN XL ecosystem addressed by several papers. Additional topics include functional safety, security, and dual-modular redundancy.
Registration for participants and the accompanying tabletop exhibition is possible by email to conferences(at)can-cia.org.
FireCAN: DIN 14700 for final comments
The German standardization body has released the DIN 14700:2024-05 draft standard. This document published in English language specifies CAN-based communication interfaces of body application units for fire-fighting trucks. It includes specifications for the host controller, pumps, inverters, batteries, warning units, light masts, etc. The communication interfaces are based on CANopen CC (classic) with some extensions. This application profile is nick-named FireCAN.
The document is available from Beuth Verlag. DIN calls for final comments, which you could submit via CiA. Therefore, please contact standard(at)can-cia.org.

CAN Newsletter magazine
The March 2024 issue contains an interview with Vikas Thawani (Texas Instruments) about 3,3-V transceivers and the recently established CiA Special Interest Group (SIG) to specify such components, which are suitable to run with 5-V transceivers in the same network. There are also two articles about the usage of CAN networks in 2-wheelers and an article about MCUs with on-chip CAN CC (classic) and CAN FD protocol controllers. The magazine can be downloaded free of charge.
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New CiA members since the last CCN
- Homatic Engineering (DK)
- Klug Avalon Mechatronics (IN)
- Milwaukee Electric Tool (US)
CiA has 756 members (April 19, 2024)
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Renewed entries
- CANopen: Baumer Electric, INTEC, Inter Control, Keller Druckmesstechnik
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Editors: Olga Fischer, Holger Zeltwanger (responsible according to the press law)
Advertising: Birgit Ruedel (responsible according to the press law)
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